Carole Lee is self publishing a book titled "Where's Your Tiara?". The format of the book is designed so that it can be quickly digested, and readers will feel compelled to return to its pages often for quick inspiration. Carole has coined a product line for a series called Nightstand Books which will pair like minded writers and artists as well as providing an outlet her own works. Through a series of fun, light hearted antecdotes, Carole leads her readers gently down an inspiring path as they hit their pillows with feelings of clarity and an eagerness to meet the next day. Amusement and humor are key to Carole's expressions.
Having been a commisioned artist for ten years, the visual aspect of the book is very important to her and the branding of Nightstand Books. Carole Lee has partnered with her great friend, artist Tami Rush to bring these wonderful visual concepts to life. Carole continues to write and connect with people as she gears up for this new product line.
Carole has been working with people to empower and enrich thier lives for more than 15 years. She is blessed to have worked with a variety of wonderful people. Having studied with many old and modern masters, Carole Lee has gained a knowledge and wisdom which she generously shares with others. A quirky sense of humor is tossed in to keep people from taking themselves and thier lives to seriously. Promoting the joy life has to offer is the driving force behind Carole Lee's works.
I do not ask for any crown but that which all may win: Nor try to conquer any world, except the one within. Be thou my guide until I find, led by a tender hand, the happy kingdom in myself and dare to take commands. Louisa May Alcott
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt
Creation is welling inside us. Use your innate creative potential to design an amazing life for yourself. We have this extra gift, this extra ability. Don’t waste it. Be it. Be in creation and everything will work out right. Carole Lee
To learn more about Carole Lee and get her latest insights log onto her blog at Make sure to check out the web-site for updates on book realease dates and any upcoming engagements at