I operate Sober By Grace, a faith based non-profit that houses 14 recovering male addicts and alcoholics. Through my recovery journey I have found what I believe works, and more importantly, what doesn't. I do understand that recovery is far from a cookie cutter science, and that what works for one, may not work for another. However, I do believe that recovery concepts are universal, and can be tweaked to fit any situation.
I got sober on 12/6/06, and got my life, my wife, and my children back. I look forward to sharing my strength, experience, and hope.
We offer hope and help for the recovering alcoholic and/or addict. Our monthly charge is $700, which covers a residents room & board, (two to a room)as well as high speed internet, cable television, and laundry items.
Program highlights: · House manager onsite overnight, with other staff available during the day · Mental health professional on staff · Access to NA,AA, CA, and Celebrate Recovery, as well as other faith- · Daily and weekly meetings covering a range of topics from life skills, to Round TheClock Support 24 hour support of chemically dependent residents via our sober
based recovery options
traditional 12-step meetings, to relapse prevention
home. Residents will learn to live with the helpand guidance of a 12
step program. The home will be staffed 24 hours aday, 7 days a
week. Residents will have access to ourprofessional staff at all
times, including a seasoned mental healthprofessional, Director of
Counseling Services Jennifer Hudnall.Jennifer has an M.A in
counseling, and a background in chemical dependencyand the
support of those with similar issues
Residents will be expected to be employed, cleanand sober
(residents will be screened for drug and alcoholuse at a minimum of
once every 7 days, and immediately upon returningfrom any
earned pass), and act as a member of ourresidential family.
(Specifically, all chores will be divided among theresidents.) For
those not employed, job related activities will beperformed, and for
those that are not working community services willbe performed
(helping the homeless, volunteering at churches, AAgroups, etc .)
12 Step Services
Members of AA,NA, CA as well as Celebrate
Recovery are all part of the Sober By Grace support team! They will becarrying the message on a weekly basis! The meetings they bring will be eitherBig Book studies, or they
will be of the "guest speaker" variety, and will sharetheir
experiences with recovery. Specifically, where they started, how
they got clean and sober, how they stayed clean and sober, and
where they are now.