Having just made - actually in the process of making - the transition from a working person to a retired person, I wouldn't consider myself an "expert" in the process, but I can address the challenge. To some degree, I plan to do this with my web site: http://www.mybabyboomers.com. The site's sub-title expresses the intent:
Data, Knowledge, Wisdom, Information and Resources for the Baby Boomer Generation.
As a professional project manager, one could see life as a series of projects. Any goal you want to achieve can be facilitated using good project management techniques. Plan, design, build, test, implement, maintain, learn lessons from the process, continuously repeat the process and make improvements.
Happiness is counting your blessings; contentment is having blessings to count; achievement is having had a hand in the creation of someone's blessings.
To learn about my past, visit my profile on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/boydcarter
To learn about my future, visit my web site: http://www.mybabyboomers.com
My future is in a state of transition and not clear at this time. The web site is intended to help baby boomers go through the transition of getting away from the daily workforce and face the challenges of retirement. It is also intended as a supplemental source of income by providing easy intuitive access to "the long tail of the new marketplace".