Betty Hart is a retired Education Officer. She spent 45 years in this field educating children. Having served people all her life ,she still desires to continue in this capacity, so she has done extensive research in the field of health. She believes in taking supplements to reverse the signs of aging and products to detoxify the body and keep it from getting diseases. She has done a lot of experimenting on herself and has identified a few very exclusive and fine products for maintaining health at a very high standard. She supplies these products to the international community from her website Http:// . Betty has also been a member of ECKANKAR for the past twenty five years. This has helped to mould her into the person she is today. A person who believes that she is a Divine Spark of God whose main purpose on Earth is to serve humanity. She tries to do this in what ever way that she can,serving with love and humility. He passion is contemplating daily to help raise her awareness and uplift her consciousness. She has chosen this field of health as she has always been interested in health products and in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Nucell Canada supplies 12 exclusive products to help you maintain healthy and disease free lifestyle
CELLFOOD concentrate enhances the bioavailability of oxygen to the body through its unique ability to dissociate water molecules within the body releasing abundant nascent oxygen and hydrogen directly to the cells. It also contains78 trace minerals, 17 amino acids, 34 metabolic enzymes and electrolytes. For more info on CELLFOOD visit the sites above. CELLFOOD/DNA/RNA is one of the most rejuvenating, immunity-enhancing, tissue-supporting formulas ever developed. It is a proprietary blend of nucleic acid bases, the essential building blocks of DNA and RNA (for anti aging), methyl groups, the prime regulators and programmers of the aging process, and ATP, the energy "currency" of the body, and the original CELLFOOD the #1 selling oxygen/nutrient supplement in the world! Nucell also provides INDIUMEASE, the newest mineral discovery, for sexual enhancement, athletic performance, is anti cancerous and numerous other benefits. OCEAN Wonder KELP is another amazing product for ionic minerals and Kelp for proper metabolism. MASTER DETOX, for oxygenating the body, getting rid of toxins and providing 78 ionic minerals. It contains Fulvic and Humic Acidswhich is great for detoxifying the body and providing minerals and vitamins. Foot Patches pulls metals out of the body while you sleep, and we also provide a book "Return to Harmony" that teaches about Sound Wave Energy and the amazing benefits to the physical, emotional and spiritual upliftment of the Human Being. Nucell has supplements for anti aging, for great Heart health, and for detoxifying the body. Wholy Tea is becoming so popular now for the great effect it has on cleansing the liver, the kidneys and the entire bowel (digestive) system, and on weight gain. Cardioflex Q10, Ionic Magnesium and CardiOmega 3.
Betty Hartt.
Miracle Growth Factor improves overall immune system function;diminishes appetite;reduces negative effects of stress,improves muscle tone and skin tone;enhances sexual function;improves general mood and acuity;improves athletic performance, endurance and strength;assists nerve regeneration;natural pain releiver;increases bone density;anti aging factors;helps balance blood glucose levels;promotes rapid recovery from illness. Miricle Growth Factor is a body builder's dream.
I believe that we can attain "old age" without compromising our health. Advancing in age does not mean that we have to be suffering from aches and pains and other debilitating diseases. If we take care of our bodies when we are younger, hold positive attitudes and thoughts,release all fears and other negative feelings we can attain a rich, fruitful, happy and painfree mature age.Remember that "old age" is like a bank account, we draw out only what we have put in along the way.
Always make sure to put in the correct thoughts and attitudes you want to gravitate back towards you. Take care of your health at an early age , don't wait to get sick to have to do damage control. Always make sure that you are taking a mineral supplement that is ionic and supplies oxygen to the cells of the body , for detoxification and therefore the prevention of disease later on in life.
Nucell Canada supplies 12 exclusive products to help you maintain a healthy and disease free lifestyle.
CELLFOOD concentrate enhances the bioavailability of oxygen to the body through its unique ability to dissociate water molecules within the body releasing abundant nascent oxygen and hydrogen directly to the cells. It also contains 78 trace minerals, 17 amino acids, 34 metabolic enzymes and electrolytes. For more info on CELLFOOD visit the sites above.
CELLFOOD/DNA/RNA is one of the most rejuvenating, immunity-enhancing, tissue-supporting formulas ever developed. It is a proprietary blend of nucleic acid bases, the essential building blocks of DNA and RNA (for anti aging), methyl groups, the prime regulators and programmers of the aging process, and ATP, the energy "currency" of the body, and the original CELLFOOD the #1 selling oxygen/nutrient supplement in the world!
Nucell also provides INDIUMEASE, the newest mineral discovery of the 21st century, for sexual enhancement, athletic performance, is anti cancerous and numerous other benefits. OCEAN Wonder KELP is another amazing product for ionic minerals and Kelp for proper metabolism. MASTER DETOX, for oxygenating the body, getting rid of toxins and providing 78 ionic minerals. It contains Fulvic and Humic Acids which is great for detoxifying the body and providing minerals and vitamins. Foot Patches pulls metals out of the body while you sleep, and we also provide a book "Return to Harmony" that teaches about Sound Wave Energy and the amazing benefits to the physical, emotional and spiritual upliftment of the Human Being.
Nucell Canada has supplements for anti aging, for great Heart health, and for detoxifying the body. Wholy Tea is becoming so popular now for the great effect it has on cleansing the liver, the kidneys and the entire bowel (digestive) system, and on weight gain. Cardioflex Q10, Ionic Magnesium and CardiOmega 3.
Betty Hart.