Beth is a Healing Arts Coach and Survivor Advocate.She creates and facilitates healing arts workshops for person(s) individual needs and desires for where one is at in their own personal lifes journey. She knows that by implementing creative and spiritual growth, we may then identify what will empower and encourage to enrich our lives and begin to break down the barriers that hold back the powerful act of lovingkindness to self discovery.
By working with survivors of trauma along with her own lifes experiences and training, she has found that through the Law of Attraction, Universal Love the healing of one's soul is entirely possible and a spiritually life changing event that is both powerful and potent in ones healing journey.
Beth uses creative expression through the many different forms of art as a powerful healng tool, this process gently guides us to inspire self confidence, positive thinking and self-care.
Beth knows that when we are ready to begin to understand the natural process of self-healing, we can then put the healing into action and our lifes journey will ultimately lead to positive changes, transformation and spiritual growth. By rediscovering the power and magnitude of the creative spirit we learn to follow our intuition, trust our instincts, believe in ourselves and take the time for self- care and self-love, we can then gain the feeling of renewal, and find acceptance and forgiveness in ourselves and others.
When we begin to "accept those things we cannot change" and use positive affirmations, we can then let go of negativity in ones life and make room within for peace to enter, more clarity in our thoughts and ultimately feel the pure joy of living and gratitude for all of nature and the Universe.
Beth is currently working on creating workshops for "families of offenders". She recognizes that the families of those involved in the criminal justice system have an important role in helping to reduce offending. Supporting children and families is an investment in the future, particularly for children who potentially become the next generation of offenders without appropriate early interventions and support to the impact on parental imprisonment.
Beth believes that the more the families of offenders are empowered in their own lives provides a greater contact between prisoners and their families, the better the prospect of their successful reintergration into the community and the lower risk of their commiting further crimes.(There is a considerable amount of research that supports this)
It is important to recognize that trauma comes in many forms, and we must be willing to keep an open mind and heart to allow healing to begin.
Some of Beths favorite Quotes:
"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties"
(Erich Fromm)
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself"
( Ralph Waldo Emerson)
"If I could wish for my life to be perfect, it would be tempting but I would have to decline, for life would no longer teach me anything"
(Allyson Jones)
"To succeed, we must first believe that we can"
(Micheal Korda)
"Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; Unbelief in denying them"
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
"Honor your being. Release each and every struggle, gather strength from lifes storms, relax into the arms of the Spirit.
"The greatest motivational act one person can do for another is to listen"
(Roy Moody)
"Meditation is not a difficult task. It is a way to lead you to your long lost home"
(Soen Shaku)
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending"
(Carl Bard)
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Whether you are seeking peace within or have experienced traumas such as sexual assault, domestic violence, the loss of a loved one, alcohol/substance abuse ect... Beth offers a compassionate gentle and safe environment for persons on the road to self-discovery and life enhancing changes.
While communicating with Beth and establishing what your needs may be, she will create and personalize a Healing Arts workshop for your own personal life/healing journey.
Beth specializes in (but is not limited to) womens individual and group workshops.
Beth is currently working on her Healing Arts and Spiritual Journey website. Please check back soon for a link to her site.
Meanwhile you may e-mail Beth at