Decades of HR/Human Development experience in "corporate America" - with heavy emphasis on hiring just the right person, training, PR and marketing. When faced with some serious health issues, encouraged by my son to explore natural solutions. Thankfully this resonated and thus began my journey into the complimentary health field [already had traditional medical knowledge and experience] - focusing on spiritual and personal shifts and changes. Also learned energy healing and [FINALLY] acknowledged my own intuitive, healing and teaching abilities ... I say finally since they had always been present but totally suppressed by the "shoulds" of life and attempting to meet others' expectations. [You know how that can be!]
Since 1994, after becoming certified as a Third Level Reiki Master and Teacher, have focused on developing and enhancing my intuitive skills in the spiritual arena, because I had used them without truly knowing I was doing so in business, and that was what contributed to my success there. Early in my business career, I became known as an expert "transformer" - due to being able to take struggling businesses from failure to huge success within a very short time frame.
Today that's what I do with people - take them from being thwarted by their inner blocks to releasing those blocks so they can leap forward with ease and grace!
"Never put a period where God has put a comma." Gracie Allen
"Flow with the Go" Barbara Legan
"Be the first crab in the bucket" Duane Legan
"God seldom gives us more than we can handle. HOWEVER, sometimes I wish S/He didn't have such a high opinion of my capabilities." can't remember where this originated - but it's certainly true!
"Life on this plane is an illusion. Perception is not reality. We're all perfect in God's eyes - in spite or because of our perceived imperfections!" BL
You are the only one holding your Self back. BL
Love and compassion are the foundation of every great body of thought. It's we humans who have chosen to focus on other aspects, thus allowing "ego" to take precedence. BL
We are all One.
Life is all about choices. Even not making a choice is a choice and all choices have consequences.