I am a Ei Performance Coach. I run my own company Performance Coaching and Training Ltd
My Areas of Expertise are Emotional Intelligence, PMA - Present Moment Awareness, Accelerated Coaching Techniques and most important of all Raising Conciousness. I believe to truly perform at your optimum level you need to have a high level of emotional awareness. Every situation we encounter, and our reaction to it, is determined by the emotional state that we are in. The ability to be aware of our emotions at any given time can give us the edge we need to perform at our best.
My Story up to now
I am only now really doing what I want to do....no that's not entirely true, straight from graduation I got a part-time lecturing job at the local FE college, and only really applied to see what might happen, well I got it and within 6 months got a full-time contract. About 3 years into it I became a bit frustrated with all the peripheral stuff and just wanted to teach......but I know this is not the real world, so I started looking at what else was around, I still wanted to teach, I loved it and I was good at it (well I think so!!!) A few people commented on the 'gift of the gab' nature I have (can't see it myself!!!) and said I should try sales. I wanted to teach, but hey, I thought a bit of corporate experience wouldn't hurt going back to teaching later on.
So in August 1998 I left teaching and started at a Marketing and Publishing Company, as it is called now SR Media Ltd. Starting out as a sales executive, it still involved working with Universities, so still keeping my hand in the academic world. My aim was always to stay a year or two before moving onto to teach again, well I wasn't prepared for what happened , I started selling, and selling big, so much so I, at that time, had the highest average deal size in the history of the company (25 years). I didn't realise it then, but looking back, I had no real expectation, didn't really know what I was doing and just did what I felt right. Very quickly I was put in charge of a team and was responsible, not only for my own sales, but ensuring they hit their targets as well. Having no real sales training experience (not much given by the company), just told them what I did, and it worked, this went on for 18 months, before I was given the USA market to work with and on my first trip secured the biggest USA deal the company had for 2 years.
Why am I telling you all this? I started reading Personal Development books about 6 months into the job, and to be honest, I didn't know how it was going help, but it seemed to. I didn't worry too much if a deal didn't happen and if it did, my focus was to present the best possible package for the client. Now I was not only getting my own deals, but was training and coaching others to get their deals, I say coaching, I thought it was. It was now 2001 that I got more into PD and coaching was starting to appear, and I looked around for a coaching course. Found one, did it, loved it.
Three, fours years passed did nothing with it, and in 2004 I was made Associate Director at SR Media Ltd. Great., or was it? The money was good, and I liked working one-on-one, but when I started training I got even more of a buzz -- something about the group dynamic and interaction, possibly. Although I specialise in all aspects of communication skills, this translates into how Emotional Intelligence can impact on Leadership and Management. I trained all the staff at my work, and I was most happiest then, still selling, but the real buzz for me was the training and the development I saw in the people when they achieved their targets.
The Summer of 2006 I made a decision to pursue my dream of being a performance coach and trainer. I became an Accredited Trainer with Results Coaching in 60 Seconds and also trained in Emotional Intelligence and how this is the number one factor when you look at the core competencies of the most successful people in the world. They know how to handle their emotions, how to manage others emotions and what the best states to be in to get the results they want.
Over the passed 18 months I have been to countless seminars, Robbins, Howard, Hamilton, Harrington, Proctor etc. The Law of Attraction is something I have a lot of respect for. Looking back at the past 14 years, everything that has happened, has happened because I have attracted it in some way and I am completely responsible for. Now I am doing what I want to do and it is this that I am sharing with you.....
My Passion...family
I am married to my lovely wife Sangita and have three gorgeous children, Sapna, Milan, and Suraj. I can say without any hesitation that without the support of my family I would not be in the position I am to pursue all my dreams and goals
My Passion...business
Throughout out my life I have learned that the quality of the decisions you make is completely dependent on the emotional state that you are in, so how beneficial to us would it be if we were more emotionally aware, well as you read this... you know the answer
The way to change your thinking is to change the way you look at things in your work life. If you are not getting the results you want in your in your business we have tools and techniques that enable you to now only get the results you deserve but also reduce the stress levels and thus make the working day a more enjoyable and productive experience.
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes
Zig Ziglar
It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be
Paul Ardon
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give
Winston Churchill
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other
Abraham Lincoln
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful
Albert Schweitzer
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will
Mahatma Gandhi
You do not pay the price of success, you enjoy the price of success
Zig Ziglar
The differnence between trying and doing is intent
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our dark that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don't feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine as children do. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsiously give other people to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others
Timo Cruz - quote from Coach Carter
My Passion is helping peole get what THEY want, according to the values most important to them. Doing things that feel good and that seem effortless will get you better results.
Please email me on baiju@pctconsultancy.com and I will aim to get back to you within 48hrs, (usually 24hrs) and we can discuss and see whether there is a natural matching fit between what you want and the services I offer.
For more information about all our services please email
or call +44 (0) 7968 533918
15 Fairview Drive