Hi, Everybody. About three and half years ago, I was thirty pounds overweight. Not wanting to be overweight, I decided to do something about it. I acquired all kinds of information on how to lose weight by reading up on it. It all had to do with proper nutrition and exercise. I decided to take action and incorporate what I read into my own life by eating healthy foods and exercising. I'm glad I did because I have lost the weight and feel great. Now that I have lost the thirty pounds and feel absolutely wonderful, I am passionate about helping others become healthy and lose weight.
Since I have lost the weight, I am now working on becoming financially independent. Maybe you would be interested in becoming financially independent also. In this economy I believe you need to have other sources of income besides a JOB. I have recently joined a wealth builders club called Wealth Creations Network. The best part is, Wealth Creations Network creates wealth with you not off you. So you can make money free since you will never be asked to pay a penny out of your own pocket. Wealth Creations Network will teach you how to make money online through various income streams. They will teach you how to become an Internet Marketer step by step. Their free but highly effective marketing tools and strategies will help you make money online fast.
One of my favorite quotes is my "knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do", because nothing changes without taking action.
You can contact me at http://www.wealthcreationsnetwork.com/wcn.php?ref=AK10102