Anthony K. Hernandez is a Spiritual Integrative WHolistic Health Expert. As an Ordained Minister in the Order of Melchizedek, an Indigenous Medicine Man, Certified BodyTalk System Professional, Researcher and Author, he bridges natural solutions and science to guide clients to a better life and greater, long lasting health.
For more than Twenty Eight Years Anthony has Ministered to Individuals and Groups in a truly Wholistic way by merging Traditional Holistic Healing with Spiritual Healing. He helps connect people more deeply to the Divine Within themselves. He shows how to utilize this connection for greater self healing, peace of mind, inner peace, solace and internal strength. By utilizing natural Advanced Medicine - combining light,sound and innate intelligence in an advanced energy medicine system with specific protocols and procedures- he frequently achieves fast, deep, long lasting results.
Anthony teach some of these and other methods for health certification in a system he has developed for health practitioners and lay people in his Private Health Coaching Club and Divine Health Institute. He has appeared on such TV Shows as 'Where East Meets West' and has been a Guest Expert on 'Learning From Leaders'. He has spoken on radio and been published in print.
Anthony Thanks you for opening your heart to greater love and setting your mind upon newer concepts. He has articles, videos and cutting edge information to share.
Health Propulsion System-
'An Educational and Action Oriented 33 Day Advanced Health Coaching Program proven to provide direct, quality education and natural solutions helping you improve your health profile and experience increased feelings of energetic wellness.'
During The Health Propulsion System You will Gain from:
Our Objective is to assist you in Your Return to Better Health with our proven step by step systems approach to Wellness.
To find out more or To Begin Your Program, email us:
"Inch by Inch, Spiritual Growth is a Cinch."
"The Kingdom Is Within You! Why not Share the Wealth with Others."
"If God were a mosquito would you still kill it?"
I once thought, "When Change becomes the natural thing to do we become limitless".
It's time to get started with your customized health program. All you need to do is make a committment to yourself to make progress once and for all, then begin by taking action.
Whether you join us or work with others, make sure you do something that will lead you to a greater position in your life and health.
Your acceptance into our Personal Coaching Program is not guaranteed, but the Health Propulsion System is. Either way you will be victorious. Just allow yourself to follow the leader and achieve successful health results.
I AM here for you.
:) -DAKH