Being raised by Midwestern Amish parents Anna Dee Olson grew up understanding that life is meant to be difficult with very few days of pleasure. The rigid restrictions of her culture became harder to follow as Anna reached her teen years and the desires in her heart were leading her away from her family, community, and culture. She knew by following her desires the huge challenges she would encounter. For four years Anna struggled with what to do but at the age of 24 she finally made her first life changing decision based on what she wanted to do. Anna was forced to choose between her family and the lifestyle she dreamed of living. Even though adapting to the new way of life (outside the sheltered box the Amish live) was a challenge, she kept her focus on her dream of peace at heart and serving others. After many trials and obstacles to overcome and learning from her mistakes Anna understands that her past did not define who she is but prepared her to become the strong woman that she is today.In less than a year after leaving the Amish lifestyle behind Anna passed the test to get her High School Equivalency diploma. In the fall of 1993 Anna’s dream of going to college became a reality and she graduated with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in 2005. During the past 16 years Anna was involved in Student Senate, Relay for Life, Madhatters Drama club, Women of Today organization, and Toastmasters International.
Today Anna’s motto is: “True forgiveness is a choice we all have.” Anna is a successful published Author and Public Speaker. She strongly believes in helping people through volunteering, sharing her experiences to help and inspire others, and to help the world understand the secretive life of the Amish culture.
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New York Mills, MN 56567