Amy is the founder of Pet Health Focus (, and an award-winning science writer and author of numerous science and pet health books and articles. She is also an Intuitive Coach and Animal Communicator, offering workshops and individual sessions.
Here's Amy's story of how she started Pet Health Focus:
My beautiful black Lab, Keetna, was very ill and was diagnosed with diabetes. She went through many rough patches before she stabilized, and I thought I would lose her. During this time, I started to research her disease and was surprised at how little information was available. So I dove in and worked with veterinarians and the CSU veterinary college to figure out how to care for my wonderful companion.
The results of this experience are that I grew much closer to my dog, with intuition being my best guide to helping her. Awakening that intuition was like coming home; it opened the door to studying with several spiritual mentors and finding a new path in life.
In 2007 I started, a growing online community. I also help people and animals with intuitive counseling, individual coaching and workshops.
Through Keetna's struggle with diabetes and other health issues, she was my constant companion and motivator. She passed away last August, but lives on as my inspiration.
Your Intuitive Nature
An introductory course on discovering your intuition through your connection with animals. Come explore the connection you have always had with animals - discover your animal totems and spirit guides, and what different animals mean in your life.
Animal Communication
You have a special bond with animals - not just the pets in your house, but that fox you saw last week, the deer in the forest. You want to know what your pets are thinking, feeling, needing. Discover your natural-born ability to communicate with animals. We'll learn how to get grounded and then "get out of our minds" to get into the animals' way of understanding the world.
If you're interested in these workshops, write to me and I'll let you know the schedule.
Custom Flower Essence Remedies
Dogs and cats respond easily to the gentle support of flower essences. These natural remedies cannot harm your pets, but help support them in whatever is happening in their lives right now. Remedies help animals with anxiety, illness, travel, behavior issues, and even the transition from this world to the next.
Contact me for more information.
The best way to serve the world is to concentrate on your own spiritual growth. Everything springs from the deep well within you. ~Amy Casey
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. George Eliot (1819 - 1880)
We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words. Anna Sewell (1820 - 1878), Black Beauty, 1877
Cats regard people as warmblooded furniture. Jacquelyn Mitchard, The Deep End of the Ocean
Join the Pet Health Focus online community at:
You can find articles and news, have your own blog, add photos of your pets, participate in discussions, and meet other pet lovers.
Contribute to the web site. We're looking for:
Members - join this great community to learn and share
Articles - on pet health, alternative treatments, nutrition, care and behavior
Products - do you have a product to add to our marketplace?
Contact Amy about:
Animal Communication
Intuitive Counseling and Workshops
Flower Essence therapy
Amy Casey
acasey @