Now that 1 in 6 are being labeled with autism I've created a FREE training series Thanks for liking the page and telling a friend too!
Then over at you'll find a 14 part series on the signs of autism and how I respond to each one. Its all FREE!
P.S. If you or a pediatrician you know are looking for alternatives to negative labels and adult medication in preschool I'd love to chat.
Believe well!
Adelaide "Home Office Mommy" Zindler
Plans are established by counsel; By wise counsel wage war. Proverbs 20:18
Few parents are attuned to the subtle hints of their child’s unique character from the womb. Yet we are all created with the desire to get everything we can out of our brief time on life’s stage. While raising a child with special needs can seem like a sport that requires more brawn than brain than brawns, achieving Olympic potential is the result of mastermind coaching.
#1 Masterminds Work! Thanks Louis Lautman for these tips!
I was living in poverty but it was not living in me! Les Brown
#2 They Help Move From Thorns to Roses
Nobody knows what they’re doing when they start. Niurka
Take a lesson from the amazing true story of 8 young people who ronce ran their business from one home office. Driven by a passion for profits and people, they give asking nothing in return. And they are touching lives around the nation @ Watch their Reality Show. Be sure to catch up with what the visionary is doing these days. Theirs was a vision that should inspire all of us in these desperate times. We were created to need each other.
#3 Network Outside The Norm
My teacher quit school to come and work for us. Ephren Taylor II
Rich Dad Poor Dad opens eyes to the pattern of failure children are being taught in the U.S. Nowhere is its impact more dangerous than in the Pandemic of Early Childhood Expulsion. For every child kicked out of all of k-12, 3 are being expelled from preschool. Yet parents are consumed with their child not being left behind in these same “mediocre” programs, as defined in the controversial Cost, Quality and Outcomes Study originally conducted in the 1990’s. As co-chair of the largest gathering of preschool administrators in San Diego history, one question should be, “Where is the disconnect“? Perhaps the answer is in the network parents are engaging? In the new rich, we finally have living examples of the importance of thinking outside that dendrite dungeon for our children's sake.
If we’re not living for legacy we’re living for failure, Hezekiah Griggs II
If this topic got you thinking, you’ll want to get access to a FREE autism training now at In fact, there's a ton of it at sites this this one too! ($100 Value).
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