Abiola Abrams, the author of "The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love," is not your mother’s self-esteem guru. You’ve seen The Bombshell Whisperer’s self-love and relationship laser coaching on networks from MTV to The CW and read her positive advice in columns from Essence to Match.com. Abiola wrote her debut novel Dare (Simon & Schuster), about a woman learning to love herself, while she was a BET host. Her award-winning art films and videos examine taboo social issues. As a journalist focusing on women’s empowerment Abiola has spun her ‘femergetic’ magic as a writer, broadcaster and producer. The personal development coach and speaker is the founder of an award-winning blog (AbiolaTV.com) and web TV series. Find Abiola’s Bombshell Breakthrough System Coaching, classes, affirmation cards and podcasts at AbiolaTV.com.
Head over to my blog, The Passionista Playbook, also the home of my award-winning web TV series. You can also find me on Twitter @abiolatv, facebook and YouTube.
Here's where to find me:
Twitter: @abiolatv
Google+: gplus.to/abiolatv
Business inquiries, email:
business (at) abiolaabrams.com.
You can always call the Planet Abiola intern at:
(865) ABIOLA-TV.
Regarding Speaking Engagements please contact: Andrew Walker of The American Program Bureau at (617) 614.1611 or email Abiola directly via business (at) abiolaabrams.com.
Thank you.