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Suicide is a global issue. It is not limited to race, gender, age bracket, or location. Suicide, as of now a noteworthy issue, is continuing to rapidly grow: A report distributed by the U.S. Communities for Disease Control and Prevention in 2016 found ... Views: 1133
It seems like there are apps for everything nowadays. Shopping, eating, entertainment and even healthcare! Even though telemedicine has been around for a while, people still tend to second guess its reliability and efficacy. Using an android app for online doctors is a quick, convenient and ... Views: 871
Wrongful Death Attorneys | Too much testosterone? Nurse practitioner accused of causing 2 deaths
Louisville Courier JournalPublished 11:12 a.m. ET Nov. 30, 2018 | Updated 11:31 a.m. ET Nov. 30, 2018
To her friend and patient Thomas Hayden, nurse practitioner Karla King is a thorough and ... Views: 874
Living in the Sandwich Generation is a tough squeeze!
What’s the Sandwich Generation? Those are folks who are busy raising children while also caring for an aging parent. Nearly 47% of Americans are part of the Sandwich Generation.
One of the kickers is that it tends to sneak up on ... Views: 1105
Living in the Sandwich Generation is a tough squeeze!
What’s the Sandwich Generation? Those are folks who are busy raising children while also caring for an aging parent. Nearly 47% of Americans are part of the Sandwich Generation.
One of the kickers is that it tends to sneak up on ... Views: 1014
Have you experienced loss of dear ones in your life?
Do you feel devastated, lost and helpless?
Why do we feel shattered and heartbroken?
Let us understand the spiritual science behind “Grief” and ways to come out of it.
Loss of someone who was an integral part of our life be it spouse, ... Views: 1002
What's more, in the event that you need to find the main 10 Tarot cards for a wide range of Tarot readings (love, back, achievement, travel and the sky is the limit from there), Take in the Tarot card implications and read Tarot with more precision and certainty!
Here are my main 10 Tarot ... Views: 765
They Can Ruin Your Health:
Studies have demonstrated that adrenalin junkies get real pleasure out of being scared by horror films, but in an assortment of ways, they might be risking their physical and psychological health without even being aware of it. As soon as we see an extreme scene in ... Views: 870
Hurricane Michael, the sturdiest storm in decades, pounded Florida Panhandle and moved to Georgia, recently. The storm caused severe loss as the initial reports predicted. It forced about half a million homeowners to evacuate their houses. More than 3 million homes faced power outage and it ... Views: 850
We all know that death is inevitable; whether we like it or not, we all have to die one day. Yet many people in this world have fear of death, for death is a mystery, a mystery of ‘What happens to me next?’...
When one learns about the facts related to death, his fears get eased.The mystery ... Views: 811
If being in at least one car accident in your lifetime is pretty much a guarantee, how can you be sure you’ll survive your crash? In this article, you'll learn what tips and tools you can use to maximize your safety and assure you spend another night tucked safely into bed and we’ll break it ... Views: 1283
It is good to observe how we burden ourselves unknowingly due to the habitual neurology. The fear of life and the fear of death arise due to living with that burden. It is possible to drop that burden and live with freedom. Deepening self-awareness and the non-conformist attitude help us in ... Views: 1793
Haemophilia is a blood disorder, which is somewhat rare, and which hampers the blood’s ability to clot. Haemophilia is usually inherited, although there are different types of haemophilia.Haemophilia A, or Classical Haemophilia, is the most common form, and is caused by having reduced ... Views: 1658
Dear Dr. Romance
My sister is 2 years younger and not long after my Dad died, I thought we should sit down and talk about things that needed to be done. She is the executor and took offense, accusing me of getting between her and Dad. Then, when my Mom got sick, she also got angry ... Views: 1366
Sadness and hopelessness usually accompany the death of a loved. Death is the ultimate reality and there can be no running from it as each one of us has to face this bitter truth and let our close ones say adieu to this world forever. There are different ways in which people react to such ... Views: 1017
By being able to understand and appreciate the truth of reincarnation, we move on to the vaster consciousness that helps us absorb hidden and unexpected truths. One such truth is the matter of Parallel Selves. Many case studies have come up.
The conventional mind-set of human beings is ... Views: 1845
Fraught with problems from many sides, millions of people are living with unhappiness. Books like “10 Steps to Happy Living” help a little but cannot bring about a radical change. Reflective people know that the robust solution lies elsewhere. It is a matter of shedding all the burden that ... Views: 1463
When you lose someone you love, it can be a very difficult time to get through. You might not want to go on in life yourself, especially if it's someone you were close to, like a parent or a child. There are a few ways that you can manage your grief so that you can be a support for your family ... Views: 1825
You have heard it before. Life is short, enjoy each day. Live every day like it is your last. Everything in life can change quickly. In a brief moment your life can be turned upside down. None of us know when we will die or when someone close to us will.
This is my story about the ... Views: 1692
Research on near death experiences (NDEs) have revealed many amazing aspects of our Deeper Self. Because people live oblivious of it, their personal life gets governed by the ego. This leads to mediocrity in life and to the self-importance that destroys harmony in oneself and others.
The ... Views: 1441
When you lose a loved one, it's sometimes hard to understand why that person had to go or if you did something to speed up the process of death. While these thoughts should not be ones in your head, it's sometimes hard to think anything else, especially if the person was sick for a long time. ... Views: 1250
One of the biggest challenges children or grandchildren can face in their lives is accepting the fact that their parents or grandparents need medical care that is beyond what they can provide in-home. This is often the case when talking about individuals with dementia. Many have seen home ... Views: 1660
"Don't trust anyone over thirty," I arrogantly proclaimed during the Sixties, when I was twenty-something and imagined I was bulletproof and would remain forever young.
I'm now more than four decades beyond that imaginary line of demarcation. When I look in the mirror it's clear that I am ... Views: 2159
Last week our country was shattered by yet another senseless massacre of innocent people. A gunman opened fire inside Pulse, a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, early Sunday morning, leaving at least 49 people dead in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Gays have long been ... Views: 1425
Pure spirituality is untouched by history and geographical location of people. Thus it is available to all humans irrespective of belief systems generated in history. The universality of pure spirituality beyond space and time is highlighted by many paranormal phenomena. Historicity is ... Views: 1335
On the Ellen DeGeneres show Ronda Rousey opened up about the experience that she had after losing to Holly Holm. During this interview, she said that she wanted to kill herself after the fight.
Along with this, she thought she was nothing and that no would care about her anymore. After I saw ... Views: 1661
When my aunt passed away a couple of years ago, I fought the grief and confusion the way I know best: by drowning it in information. I read everything I could find about lungs, oncology, death, and even funerals. In my search for answers I stumbled upon a book by Irvin Yalom called 'Staring at ... Views: 1510
For most people, when we feel sad we eat a bit of chocolate, watch a favorite movie or get together with friends and family. Unfortunately, serious depression cannot be cured by taking a vacation or having a laugh. It is something that affects your entire life and can be very difficult to ... Views: 1286
When Mama’s doctor had mentioned hospice about two years before the dementia had been diagnosed, we hadn’t been ready and neither had Mama. Granted, we, my siblings and I, had already been caregivers for our mother who hadn’t been able to take care of herself for the previous three years. But ... Views: 1799
In general, there are three major responses to esoteric issues in the field of spirituality. They are represented by three groups: the believers, the skeptics and the explorers. It is good to be aware of the mental proclivities of these groups.
Life on this planet depends on the state of ... Views: 1578
HAPPY FALL! We’re building towards a VERY RARE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE of a SUPERMOON IN ARIES this Sunday, September 27th, at 10:50 PM EDT. And while all FULL MOON Eclipses ratchet up the intensity uncomfortably and bring at times explosive endings, this one is going to be a doozy!
Not only is ... Views: 1325
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross defined the five stages of grief in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying. Grief is a deeply personal process and each individual experiences it on their own terms. Some may endure all five stages, others only a portion; some progress in a seemingly reasonable period of time, ... Views: 1756
Dear Dr. Romance:
What Is The Grieving Process? What are the stages of the grieving process? How long does it take to go through each stage? Can one stage be relived over and over again? Is there a way to help someone through each stage?
Dear Reader:
If you've had a personal loss, I am ... Views: 1399
ope Francis has sparked another debate with controversial remarks at the Third Vatican Council. He says, the concept of hell where people burn eternally cannot be Christian--it goes against the concept of a loving and compassionate God.
That idea is being challenged by other Bible scholars, ... Views: 1428
A Quick Preamble:
I’ll start with, a confession…I’ve been around for more than half a century now, over 54 years in fact – not something i’d often admit to, and i’ve travelled half of our beautiful planet (well ok, there are some parts i’ve been to that are not quite so “beautiful”), by ... Views: 1451
There is a lot of confusion and lack of care in the world today leading to human unhappiness. Though many explanations are given for that state of affairs, the messages from Near Death Experiences provide a gateway to radical transformation.
Human society has been in turmoil for thousands of ... Views: 3022
Heretofore, suicide has been a taboo topic. Now, it is so headline-making and societally embarrassing that clinicians and researchers are madly looking for answers and trying to quantify criteria. Why has suicide become so rampant?
There are those that end their life by suicide from hearing ... Views: 1622
Losing a spouse at an older age is extremely difficult. The grief involved and the feeling of being alone can creep in, causing the widower to feel at a loss for life. If you have a parent or know somebody who just recently became a widower, you really need to help them grieve with these five ... Views: 1190
When narcissists fall victim to chronic or acute diseases, or survive a traffic accident, they react in either of four typical ways, depending on the type of narcissist:
1. The schizotypal reaction: the belief that the narcissist's predicament is a part of a larger, cosmic plan, or of a ... Views: 8287
We all carry a lot of unfinished business along with us all the time. The more we accept death, the more in the moment we are. Accepting death is possible, for it makes us reject the parts of us not living in the moment. That is a spiritual gift. If you looked at your life imagining you are ... Views: 1401
With the weather changing and the days getting longer, it is easier to get outside and get some fresh air. Shortly after my heart surgery the weather turned cold and it was hard to get out. I remember one morning going to get some groceries and I forgot to wear a hat. My head got cold and I ... Views: 1664
Accepting your own mortality with grace and dignity can be a difficult process. Many people are left with scant little time to accept their own mortality, and you must prepare as best you can for the inevitable. This article explains four methods that allow you to find peace when you know that ... Views: 2486
“Learn the art of taking your stand on the Truth within. When you live in this Truth, the result is a fusion of the mind and the heart and the end of all fears and sorrows. It is not a dry attainment of mere power or intellectual knowledge. A love which is illumined by the intuitive wisdom of ... Views: 1799
Over 90% of deaths are preceded by an illness. After first diagnosis of a serious illness, but when death is not yet a threat, you can develop habits to make that time in your life have quality. Living a quality life to your final breath is something we all can do, if we consciously prepare to ... Views: 1325
People fall prey to conditioned responses unknowingly. As a result, their reactions to others become robotic. They can release themselves from this sad state of affairs through transcendence brought about by simple self-awareness towards inner freedom. That would lead to discovering natural ... Views: 1764
I am in my own state of shock. My friend, Marsha, called this morning to tell me that her daughter, Lauren, had committed suicide. She was 34 years old, the same age as my oldest daughter, Alicia. I’ve known Marsha since we attended Kino Junior High together. Some 15 years later Marsha, our ... Views: 2062
Have you ever thought why there is cancer related to blood, brain, bones, lungs and various other body parts besides the heart? Most of us have never heard about heart cancer or tumors and most of us simply assume that it maybe because the heart is the symbol of emotion and maybe it is something ... Views: 1292
Many of us have lived a life where we have become proficient in accomplishing goals; we live our lives in that state of mind. When we are close to the end of life, what is our goal? In our lives, we have been "the Doer," where we do things by focusing on our thoughts. Preparing for death ... Views: 1553
The essence in all beings is a spark of the Divine and so, it is the same in all. It is not identified with any nation, race or religion. Thus, it is anonymous, like a tree in a forest. The awareness of this fact brings in universal love in human beings.
The Ego-self and The True Self
We ... Views: 1758
Some of my biggest teachers have been in the form of animals.
Back in November, we lost a dear member of our family. Our 12 year old cat Bucky fought a long battle with intestinal cancer. He taught me a lot during his battle about acceptance, compassion, perseverance, and gratitude. ... Views: 1410