Imagine for a moment that Earth is a schoolroom and that we are all pupils in it.

And imagine that before you were born,
your soul mapped out what your journey on Earth would look like.
You mapped out what you would like to learn during your time here.
You chose what your purpose here would be.
I believe that we each have a unique purpose.

We all have the ability to inspire others with our unique gifts and individual experiences.
Some are amazing teachers who were born to inspire and lead through their actions.
Some are gifted artists who can change lives simply by sharing their creations with others.
Some are loving and compassionate souls who inspire through their open hearts.

Have you ever thought about what your life purpose is?

What do you feel that you were born to do?
What talent do you have that is uniquely yours?
What flows easily and feels great and natural when you do it?
How can you share your experiences and gifts with others and help inspire them to realize their life purpose as well?

We are all so unique, and we were all born with such amazing gifts.

If you aren't quite sure what your purpose is, take some time to go within either through meditating or journaling. Think about what you love to do - what you are good at - what makes you feel the most alive.

This is definitely a big question to think about, and it opens up so many possibilities.

The answers are always within us, and our soul always knows what our life purpose is.
And once we tap into our own inner wisdom and sense of knowing, our lives will flow beyond our wildest dreams.

Enjoy the journey!

Author's Bio: 

Jodi Chapman is the author of the inspirational blog, Soul Speak; the upcoming book, Coming Back to Life: How an Unlikely Friend Helped Me Reclaim My True Spirit; and the bestselling Soulful Journals series, co-authored with her amazing husband, Dan Teck.