Everyday, you speak, you write, you talk life or death into your desires and you are still not completely aware of your own power.

It is easier to think that things happen to you and that you just have to roll with the punches and that is so not true.  You always get a choice.  You always get to choose whether you take things at face value or whether you decide that what seems to be happening in front of you, is just not what you are willing to settle for any longer.

And then, depending on the level of your commitment, you can choose to change it.

‘Norms’ feel helpless and a victim of their circumstances and they even feel completely justified in thinking that what is right there in front of them is the only option for them and so, nothing ever changes.  They are a mass of reaction, reaction, reaction.

You are not a norm – You are a creator, not a reactor.

You see what is and then you decide to not settle just for that.

You get to work creating what you want, rather than settling for what you have.

And so it starts with you speaking out what you want to see happen.

And then you get to work creating it.

This may result in the people around you, doubting you, telling you that what you see is all there is, telling you to settle down and stop pushing for something impossible.

And again, depending on your level of commitment, you may agree with them…

Or you will learn to ignore them and instead of speaking your dreams to those people, you will speak them to yourself and also start to write them down on a daily basis to keep them top of mind for you.

(If you are particularly wise, you will also find yourself an additional group of leaders who see that what you are doing is possible and who encourage you even when the appearance of things does not seem to match up to the desires you speak of.  Being a visionary can be a lonely road, at times, so do whatever you can to connect with fellow leaders like you.)

And then you get to work.

You see the vision and you do whatever it takes to get to work creating the vision.

There is always a period of time between starting to work towards the vision and the appearance of the vision and it is tempting in that time to think that nothing is happening.

This is where commitment and determination will be tested.

Will you stay on the narrow path or will you go the way of the ‘norms’ who only act on what they can see?

As always, the question is – DO YOU WANT THE VISION OR NOT?

If you do, then you put your head down, stop getting distracted and you create it.

You keep writing it out in your journal…

AND YOU DO what you know to do to get it and also, you keep uncovering, liearning about what you do not even know to do yet so that you are taking more and more action towards your chosen goal. You no longer allow fear to determine what you do or do not do.  You no longer allow appearances to determine your results or even your actions.

You simply act on the vision.

You take powerful, massive action.

You do it daily.

No excuses accepted.

That is it!

Will you do it?

It is time to fight for, to deliberately design the life you are born to live.

PS – Here is a community of leaders, ready to do what it takes to create their vision – RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dmfasttrack.  Join in now.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online