Let me be honest with you – You already know everything you need to know to get rich…

Everything has been revealed to you but…

And this is the big but…

You do not believe it can be that simple…

And so you go looking for some convoluted pathway to wealth…

You listen to any person who tells you that if you do things his/her certain way then you will be rich…

And you have stopped listening to your internal wisdom

And that is where I come in!

Yes, I give you all the foudational knowledge about getting yourself out into the world and asking for the sale…

The three Cs

  1. Communicate and connect

    Be in daily touch with your people via blogs, videos, social media, networking events, whatever.  Be where your people are and tell them what you are about and how you can help them

  2. Capture

    Give them a reason to give you their contact details.  Capture it and place it in your customer management system so that you can consistently follow up with them.

  3. Close

    Make an offer on a daily basis.  Tell them confidently how you can help them and make it easy to buy from you.

That is it!

And yes, I go into more depth with my training programs that all my clients have access to…

But when it comes down to the crux of it, the reason you have hit your financial glass ceiling at the moment is because you have an internal thermostat that is telling you that you have come far enough.

And so, no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you push, you are where you are financially because you have chosen to be there…

I know you did not choose it willingly…

I know you are not even aware that you have a choice in the matter…

But you did and you do.

No one is holding anything back from you…

Abundance is your birthright, the same as it is for everyone else…

So, what on earth is holding you back?

A number of things and I will talk you through a few of them.  These are things that I work out with my private clients and as you face up to them, you become more open to creating a lot of wealth in your life…

  1. Are you fully owning your sexual energy?

    It may feel as though this has nothing to do with anything but it matters because if you feel unsure and uncertain of yourself when it comes to this intimate area of your life then it becomes difficult to show up powerfully in the marketplace.  If you cannot show up confidently to your partner (someone you feel loves you), or if you feel that no one wants you in that intimate way, then you hold back in the marketplace as well.

    There is a certain amount of bravado, confidence that goes into asking for the sale – Are you begging for it, forgetting that you bring something of value to the table or are you confidently and powerfully showing up, knowing that you have something that other people want and need?

  2. Do you need to get everyone’s approval?

    The people pleasing side of you may make you wonder if you have a right to ask for people to pay you anything.  You reduce your prices to make everyone happy and then you find yourself out of business or unable to break through a certain income level.

    You are too scared to get going with your own business or ministry because you want everyone in your life to approve of your decision to do it and so again, you keep the cap on your ability to make a difference and create wealth.

  3. Who do you need to forgive?

    This is another seemingly unrelated area that holds you back so much.  You feel angry and resentful of people in your world and so you either keep tring to prove that you are good enough to them by persistently doing what is not working but you do not see that because your focus is on your annoyance with this person in your life.  All your creative energy is diverted to maintaining the unhealthy anger.  You may be justified in feeling the way you feel but it keeps you trapped and bound up.

    Or you feel as though everyone will treat you as badly as this person has and so yo hold back from doig what needs to be done to put you and your business out in the world.  Every potentail customer becomes someone who could hurt you in the same way.  Of course, all this is happening subconsciously so you do not always even see that you are doing this.

  4. Or maybe it is a block in your spirituality?

    If you do not have a fully intimate relationship with your higher power but feel that you should then you will base all your activities and beliefs on what you are taught by some other person.  And if you have unfortunately chosen to follow someone who has crazy ideas of all the rules and regulations that you must follow in order to be accepted by God, you may take these on and without question, make them your ideas.

    You then do not allow yourself to create wealth because this person has told you that it is not right for you to do so.  You do not have a direct line with your higher power and so you feel guilty about your desire to be wealthy or even if you do think that you do have a connection, you are filtering everything you hear back from your higher power through the words of this pastor, spiritual guru that you follow.  It is a horrid form of bondage that needs to be broken so that you can push past all limitations.

There are many more areas that I could mention but hey, enough for today…

I work with world changers who KNOW what to do to get rich and to make the difference they feel called to make but then I usually find that I have to get pretty blunt about these areas and others to help them break free of things that have held them back and kept them from their full and true potential.

Honey, it takes more than the obvious to obtain freedom and wealth in all areas of your life.

Imagine how freeing it would feel to have all the above areas handled…

Not just for your business growth but also for your current relationships, your emotional health, your spirituality…

Imagine having everything working just right…

Imagine the confidence you would feel each and every day as you dealt with the various areas of life and as you allowed yourself to fully receive wealth in abundance because you realised the chains that were keeping you bound, were rubbish and you no longer have to live within them.

It is time to unleash the full power of you!

And I am exactly the person to support you in doing this…

First step – Join me at DM Live or join me in Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Mastermind!

As soon as you make an investment in either program, I will be in touch to arrange a complemetary consultation with you.

I only work with world-changers (people with big ideas about what they are called to do in the world) who are willing to invest in themselves.  I almost don’t care whether you are in business or not, as long as you recognise that I feel business brings about the best kind of freedom and so, it will be mentioned at some point :-D!

The work I do with clients is deep and the more intimately we work together to bring you wealth and freedom, the more expensive it gets because I invest a lot of energy in getting you healed, rich and free. You have to be invested in this, hence the fact that unless you find some crazy loophole (and there are a few still as I have not got round to sealing everything off yet – Must get the team on it!), I do not have ‘free’ conversations anymore.

So, pop on over and make a decision about which one you would like to take part in

DM Live

DM Fast Track

And I will be in touch with you.  Even the complementary session with me will give you incredible insights into what could be holding you back and you will leave with a next step plan to step up a level when it comes to getting all the customers, clients, recruits you want online.

It is time to fight for, to deliberately design the life you are born to live!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online