Writing with Infinite Spirit
Dr. Carol S. Batey 2011

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives to all men generously and without reproaching.” James 1:5 (KJV)

As a teacher and book writing coach for others, the one question that I am asked most is, “How do you write your projects with Infinite Spirit?” The next inquiry is, “Should I ask Infinite Spirit to assist me to write?” This query has been asked of me in various settings: churches, bookstores, phone, email and etc. What so many people don’t know and understand there are many non-physical helpers not just one. Maybe students are uncertain of Infinite Spirit and its role in our human lives. Jesus Christ used this power. Others such as Charles Fillmore, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and many other sages who are here on earth now and who have gone on before us used this power. Many refer to this daily living as a Mystic Consciousness. In The Revealing Word, (p.106), Charles Fillmore, one the greatest Mystics of this era, defines the word Infinite as, “The totality of Being including all knowledge, all space, all life; the complete all. Without end or limitation. It is which is boundless, immeasurable, and inexhaustible. God is infinite and eternal.” In the same book, (p. 183), Spirit is defined as, “God as the moving force in the universe; Principle as the breath of life in all creation; the principle of life; creative intelligence and life.”
Once this knowledge of truth is understood properly and applied, one can write with the Infinite Spirit in full confidence. One can write with a confidence that power of floods of wisdom, knowledge, and insights are being directed into our spirit from the Absolute Power of this earth. One must be open and receptive to the Divine impartations given unto us from the Creative Intelligence, God.

Developing a Spiritual Practice

In solitary, people put their “spiritual practice” into action and carry it out daily. As they become attuned to the promptings of the Infinite Spirit’s nudging for them to write, they may be prompted to write a statement that is unclear. Nonetheless, they know it came into their mind to write. Then they enter into a silence, stop, and ponder the statement they wrote for wisdom and spiritual understanding. My dears, then they may receive an “Aha moment.” Their mind was quickening in the silence to the concept as well as the truth. Often, our minds and bodies are being used as a channel of good by Infinite Spirit. “Once the truth within us is received, our conscious mind and super conscious mind are blended, and spiritual energies are created into our soul and body. Then renewed power to express and write Truth is created,” adapted from The Revealing Word (p.183.)

My Own Experience

My experience on many occasions is waking to write around 2 a.m.; yes, I am always sleepy. However, I know this is my appointed time to make contact with the Infinite Spirit to write. I am a willing vessel for Infinite Spirit. As I finished my silence, I write, not understanding clearly what I had written. Later, I enter another silence to ponder what was given to me. I then attain spiritual understanding. I believe it was for me to gain the spiritual understanding and apply it into my life, world, and affairs by using wisdom. Then I share the writings with others. After the silence, one sees intuitively and clearly into the subject they did not understand; as I did. Spirit works as a movie projector, projecting images and thoughts into our minds, hearts, and spirit. We then can create the rest of the movie and create the next scene. It is up to us to seize the moments and act quickly and wisely to produce interesting inspiration for others to see. Then we must give thanks for the spiritual insights given to us and more will come.

Inspiration Given

You know in your heart that someone will read what you have written. They will gain spiritual solutions to their personal challenges and nature of a complex situation. This is called setting your intentions for the written work for the reader. Don’t rush the process of attuning yourself with the Infinite Spirit. If you don’t have this in place quite yet, develop a “spiritual practice” of silence, meditation, prayer. Start these for at least 20 minutes a day and build up to more time. Check out and read good books, watch uplifting programs regularly on television or internet TV, listen to the radio, attend a center for worship, eat wholesome foods, and exercise. You may want to incorporate other positive actions into this practice. When you enter into the Silence, think of nothing while meditating, focus on nothing, and give up the time, thought and space. Once you come out of your meditation, give an affirmative of thanks for all desires being taken care of in your life.

You have Guides and Teachers for Assistance

In the book, The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav gives this advice that every person on this earth has a non-physical guide and a teacher. Guides assigned to us are not teachers, but they are experts in a definite field. If you are a writer or have a project you call Guides in to assist you. Up close and personal are these teachers; they know us and often they feel very close to us. According to Zukav’s book, p. 99, “A nonphysical Teacher brings you ever closer to your soul.” The Guide or Teacher assistance desired, works through ranges of non-physical light that are much higher than our own. This information shared should be useful to any writer who wants to be attuned with the Infinite Spirit for writing. Always remember that the Infinite Spirit is there always. Now begin your writing with the Infinite Spirit………..

“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you…James 4:8 (KJV)

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Carol S. Batey has a degree in Metaphysics. She is the author of 6 books. She loves writing and sharing her learned lessons with others. As a teacher she helps others to get their messsages out in books!