You should always write down your goals, no matter how small they seem. It is no secret that successful people passionately set goals to achieve the lifestyles they have. They understood the importance of recording all their goals and creating compelling visions for their lives.

There are no limitations to what goals you should write down and whether they are business goals, personal goals, weight loss goals or rodeo clown college goals just get them on paper. Write down anything you want to achieve in your life. Writing down your goals takes you from just thinking about it to a place of starting to action them.

When a goal just sits in your head you may believe you are thinking about it constantly but there is a lot of competition going around in your brain for attention. This is why it is imperative to your success that as soon as you have an idea pop into your head that could be a potential goal you should write that goal down.

So now that you have some goals written down that you may want to accomplish, how exactly do you write them down to give them power. The first exercise before you jump in with both feet is to test drive your goal for a day or two. This simply involves reading the goal over at least 4 times that day and dedicating an hour each of the two days to researching your goal.

So now you have educated yourself on what it will take to make the goal happen and have reread it at nauseam to discover you still really want to take this goal on. This is the best case scenario and really increases your chances of success. A goal you hate the thought of doing is not really a goal, it is a have to do. Have to do’s are not near as rewarding.

Make sure you write down goals, not have to do’s
Now the rest of the writing is going to be the same as an itinerary for when you plan a trip. You know the destination and now you need to map out how you are going to get there. This is the planning phase of the goal to allow you to take daily action and consistent positive results.

The basics of writing your goals out are:

1. Word them in the present tense – I have saved $10,000.

2. Add the deadline – I have saved $10,000 by Dec 12, 2014.

3. Make sure they are realistic – I believe in limitless thinking with a dash of reality. If I know I would not be happy being a fisherman even though it gives me the money I want then realistically I will not stay with that goal.

4. Add the why – By writing down the reason why you want to accomplish this goal you give yourself something for inspiration when the going gets tough.

5. The how – What are the steps you are going to need to take each day to make this goal happen by the time you want it to happen.

You do not want to overcomplicate the writing process but it does need to be detailed. If you cannot picture each step leading you up to the staircase of success then you need to go back to the drawing board.

Passion, perseverance and planning will lead you down the path of success every time.

Author's Bio: 

If you have never written down your goals in any way it is never too late to start the practice. Darrin has worked with hundreds of people on defining and refining their goals through a focus on personal development.