As a child I remember how my mom was quick to apply home remedies to all my cuts and bruises every time I fell and scratched my knees or elbows to help prevent them from getting infected. The number one option was either alcohol or "Vicks" (to me Vicks still is the # 1 wonder medicine of the world). As a parent I found myself concerned about the same things as I watched my girls grow and have minor accidents at school or at home. As a nurse with experience working in hospitals, I understood the importance of keeping wounds clean and protected from bacteria to eliminate any chances of infection and to prevent the spreading of body fluids that could cause greater problems.

Now that I am a grandmother I will have another shot at reminding my daughters again about the same instructions as they learn about safety. I am sure you can relate to these testimonies of old, but today I want to bring your attention to a whole different view of the same topic.

First let’s agree that there are two kinds of wounds we all must deal with, which are physical wounds and emotional wounds. Both are equally dramatic, able to cause extreme amounts of pain and they both have long lasting effects in your life

Emotional wounds usually caused by hateful words have led many people to spend their lives looking for something that will help them hide the pain caused by their internal wounds, mostly by addictions to illegal drugs, alcohol, sex, and medications. Others spend their lives depressed, oppressed, confused, lost, sad and angry. They end up visiting psychiatrists, counselors and treatment centers and going in circles without a clue of how to stop the pain. The majority of people that have suffered from a wounded heart due to a dysfunctional childhood spend their lives dealing with the shame and condemnation that it brings. The Bible tells us that our tongue has the power of life and death, and when used improperly can cause permanent damages to an already wounded heart or soul.

So what's coming out of your mouth today? Are you hurting those that you claim to love the most? If so, don't keep saying you’re sorry. Don't do it again and ask for forgiveness from them and God. There is healing available for you.

On the other hand, physical wounds can sometimes be open cuts, where blood and body fluids are visible. Swelling, burning, itching and most of all, lots of pain, normally may accompany these. They can be superficial or deep, it may require a hospital visit, stitches and treatment or it may be handled at home with minor care. Our skin has three layers and the healing process may vary according to the person's body. Just like our faith!

A wound is simply a carrier of bad news, a vehicle of destruction and the cause of death for many. It is a source for infection that when not dealt with properly, can spread quick enough to do permanent damage in your life. A wound is just like the enemy of our soul, Satan, who comes to steal, kill and destroy as referred to in the word of God in John 10:10 and 1 Peter 5:8. The enemy uses any opening or weak spot in your life to invade your territory and brings with him a multitude of demons (just like bacteria) that will spread quickly and widely to hinder all areas of your life. It’s what I call a "terrorist attack". They come by assignment with one purpose and one purpose only, to destroy you no matter what!

The only way to combat this "bacteria" from causing more infections is to "cleanse the area" and destroy it from the root. It must be killed completely or it will return when you least expect it, to complete the job. We do this simply by repenting, confessing our sins and turning our lives around. By giving our hearts, our minds and our bodies to Jesus.

The difference between a wound and a scar is very simple; a wound is an open "infected" area in our life that is in great need of healing. A scar is simply the proof that God has been on the scene. It is the evidence of His touch and the testimony to others of God's healing power. But is also a reminder of God's promise to never leave us or forsake us. Wounded or not!

There is something both the emotional wounds and the physical wounds have in common. JESUS. That's right. No one knows pain more than our Savior. No one. He was rejected, slapped, mocked, accused, put down, criticized, gossiped about, betrayed, ignored and hated more than anyone you will ever meet. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities and He was crucified on a cross just for you and me. That, my friend, is the ultimate pain and the extreme sacrifice from One who knows what it is to be wounded. The amazing part is that if He had to do it all over again just for you, He would do it without any hesitation. That's love! He rose from the death to prove His power over the enemy, to give us eternal life and salvation and by His stripes we are now healed.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

If you have been wounded in battle, give it to Jesus, if your pain is out of control give to Jesus. If your heart has been wounded so many times that you don't know if you could ever love again, give it to Jesus. You see the Bible calls Jesus the Healer of the broken- hearted. And the Word is God. You must take that "Band-Aid" off and accept God's Divine healing.

Now that I understand the difference, I thank God for every scar I have for they have only made me stronger. We must hate the wounds but we must never forget the scars!

Author's Bio: 

Pastor Aida Spina - Raised for Purpose

Born again since 1997, Aida Spina is a Pastor, Counselor, Entrepreneur, Nurse, Counselor, Writer and Speaker are some of her titles among many others. Her passion is leading others to Christ, while empowering them to find hope and teaching them to walk in Faith. She is the CEO and president of Heaven's Garden Ministries, Inc, now residing in the City of Ponce De Leon, Florida. She has served the kingdom in various capacities as she has worked for the Lord in a high speed pursuit for souls with a heart full of compassion for the brokenhearted. Aida’s ministry is centered on reaching the lost, loving the unloved and bringing a word of hope to the broken, rejected and wounded in spirit with the love of Christ. A simple woman with an incredible passion for her Savior and a sure determination to make a difference as she continues to preach the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to her world. For more information on Pastor Aida, please visit: