Being a spiritual coach is a calling. It allows you to be a conduit for divine expression to flow through you to your clients, your friends, your colleagues, your family, and the interconnectedness of the Universe.

As you continue to deepen your ability to be ever present in the moment, you also increase the capacity for others to feel, to master their emotions, to shift their energetic vibration, and to live from a place of true creation rather than reactive responding.

Life Coach Certification is a great step for you in your quest to help others!
As you begin on your life coach journey, create the intention that it will be empowering, enlightening, and energizing. Build the bliss factor in and trust that you are in the perfect place with the ideal people who are also committed to living full lives of mastery and divine expression. Here are some words to ponder. Send appreciation to the unknown Source.

Through Me

Through me
Let there be kind words, a warm smile, and a caring heart.

Through me
Let there be a willingness to listen and a readiness to understand.

Through me
Let there be dependability, steadfastness, trust, and loyalty.

Through me
Let there be compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and love.

Through me
Let there be every quality I find, O Divine, in Thee.
~ Unknown

Author's Bio: 

The difference between struggling business owners and tremendously successful entrepreneurs is this: Every successful entrepreneur has come to rely on one phenomenal business coach - themselves!

Most people don't know that every magnificent solution to the success they seek lies already within their souls. And it's Sharon Wilson, Founder of The Coaching From Spirit Institute, who's helping thousands of people around the world learn how to coach themselves and then sync that "Inner Coach" with leading-edge business strategies. The end result? Much faster, highly leveraged success!

After years of corporate executive success, Sharon Wilson fed her sales, marketing and management prowess into the development of ongoing coaching programs and TeleSuccess Seminars that provide success solutions "with a spiritual bent." Through Coaching From Spirit, mega-entrepreneurs, inspirational speakers and wealth coaches personally mentor and guide business people from all walks and levels of success to newfound strategies and uncanny solutions.