Stress and a hectic schedule is normal for many women over 40. Having stress is closely linked to your inability to lose weight permanently.

In our twenties, our bodies can deal with living a lifestyle that is less than healthy. Our bodies could deal with that easily. But it’s a other game for men and women over 40: The body after 40 becomes more sensitive for any kind of maltreatment. It’s time for a change- a lifestyle change making you feel better than ever.

1. Get enough sleep. Sleep is an crucial element to slim down your physique and helps you to lose weight permanently over 40. While you’re sleeping your body releases fat burning growth hormones, assisting in natural, sound weight loss.

2. Start a relaxing exercise program. You do not need to work out like a fitness guru to lose weight permanently over 40. Better do a combination of endurance and strength training regularly. Select a program blending well into your everyday schedule. Get a friend to do it with you- you’ll hold each other accountable to actually show up. It will also be more fun! If belly fat is a problem, add some Pilates and reduce your stress - this will help flatten your abs.

3. Get fresh air each day and allow the oxygen to flow through your body. Take a walk, take a bicycle or use your lunch break for regeneration. Skip the fast food, and bring something healthy from home to eat while you are walking. I know many women over 40 spending their lunch break inactive. Your work performance will be better if you get some gentle exercise, and most importantly: You will feel better too.

4. Give yourself some slack when following through with your nutrition and exercise plans. There is no use in being a perfectionist in these matters. It’s much safer to stick to your plans 95% of the time happily than to do it to 100% and feel constantly under pressure. If it’s cold and gray and rainy outside and you absolutely not feel like having a walk, get a hot bath tub instead. The hot water will get your heart rate up too. Easy things like that will assist you to lose weight permanently over 40, so be creative in finding them.

5. When you are a woman over 40, too much of anything can really affect how you feel. 5. When you are a woman over 40, too much of anything can really move how you feel. This life style will reflect in your bathroom scale, making it challenging to lose weight permanently for a woman over 40.

Luckily, the opposite is true as well: If you take great care of your body, you’ll see it, you’ll feel it and the time after 40 can be the best time of your life.

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