For the longest time, I lived a half-life…
I knew I was capable of more and yet, I refused to live it out…
And now, I look back and realise that it was a choice…
A choice to believe the lies about not mattering…
A choice to believe the lies about not being important enough…
A choice to believe that I could not just do what I wanted to do…
A choice to think that my strengths, my desires, my dreams were given to me to taunt me and never actually to be realised…
I actually thought that I had to go through life dissatisfied and unhappy because I had to be practical and do work that i did not actively enjoy but at least, it paid the bills, right?
I even chose to believe that I was not good at doing business because some person from my past had told me that that was true…
I was the one that would maybe find a cure for AIDS or something because I was the bookish type but I was not the one that could be an entrepreneur… or so the story went and I BELIEVED IT!
And stayed trapped doing things I did not really want to do because I thought I had to.
What nonsense!
What utter rubbish!
And maybe you too, are coming to the end of another year where you continually sell your dreams for the safety and security of a paycheck that makes you feel dead inside…
And though, you are incredibly capable and EVERYONE ELSE seems to know it because they keep asking you to take on more and more stuff…
You keep telling yourself to be practical, to bide your time, to stay in place until the time is right…
Until someone gives you the green light to start to live your own life or maybe, even worse, until you have paid your dues, saved up enough money, paid down your mortgage and the kids have left home…
And then, maybe then, you can live the life you want to live!
Sorry, honey, but that is nonsense!
When will you finally accept that if you are dissatisfied with the work you are currently doing, it is because you really are not suited for that work!
When will you accept that you can choose a different experience of life?
When will you realise that those strengths, those dreams, those inner desires are there to be used and to be fulfilled?
Don’t you know yet that if you can see it in your mind’s eye then it is yours to create in reality…
Or has it been so long since you last allowed yourself to dream and now, when you ask yourself what you want, you do not even know anymore!
What a shame!
What a waste!
Because, honey, you matter!
You were created and placed on this planet at exactly this time for a reason and you have forgotten this! You have purpose coursing through your blood but you keep dampening it down and now you don’t really know anymore…
Except you know that this life you are currently leading does not feel all that good…
And you wonder if there is another way…
And you kind of know that there is but you are afraid…
Afraid of the unknown…
Afraid that you will lose what you have fought so hard to get…
So what, that you don’t even really want it…
But at least, it is safe, right?
Can I remind you that you matter? There are people on this planet right now, who are waiting to hear from you, the real you, the awakened version of you because you matter.
You are a part of a jigsaw puzzle that makes the world complete and when you pretend you are irrelevant to the grand scheme of things, then you leave a gap where you would have been, if you had just found the courage to wake up.
Your opinions matter!
You kinda know this because in some settings, you are already a leader and people listen to you…
However, there is yet more for you to experience, to put out there…
Yuu still hide your opinions because you do not think you have a right to them and yes, it would be a bit of a bore if you keep throwing your ill-thought out judgements all over the place but that is not what this is about…
This is about that message, that purpose you know you carry inside…
That opinion… That one is supposed to come out and impact people and change lives…
And you hide it.
Because you think it is not valid, or you think it has been said before and you have nothing new to add, but again, can I remind you about your people – They are waiting for you, the awakened version of you to come tell them in exactly the words that they need to hear.
Will you?
You can make money while being and doing you.
Like me, you have been brought up to go for the practical way of making money and so you shut down your strengths, gifts, talents in order to fit in with the ‘norms’ of society.
But I need you to know that you can make money doing what you choose to do.
And maybe, you have some money blocks that get in the way as well of you creating wealth while being you…
Whatever you think or believe, you are more than able to make money doing you…
The only obstacle is whether you will allow yourself to, or not.
You can choose to be super-practical and ‘real’ which is just a cop-out for saying you are too scared to actually give it a real go…
Or you can choose to believe that if anyone else in the world is making money doing whatever they choose to do, then so can you!
And then begin…
You Can Design The Life & The Business You Want
Build an audience – Start telling them what you are about, start using social media as a medium to spread your message, to be you, to show up, to invite people into your world…
Automate the process (I talk about it here in the business growth kit at and the 90 minute blueprint at…
Tell them how you can help them or figure out what they want to buy and serve them with that thing…
It may be you…
It may be a product…
It may be a business opportunity…
Whatever it is, tell them daily…
And tell them where to buy…
Turn their interest into an actual sale by making the process easy and explaining it to them daily. So that, even as new people join your community, they know exactly how they can buy from you. Never assume people know and never let your audience determine whether you sell or not.
Be bold and ask for the sale! You know it will help them so HELP THEM by asking for the sale!
Take Action, Get Clear, Make Money
And keep taking action…
Keep moving in the direction of a life and a business that you have designed…
As you deliberately choose to do this daily, whether in a small way or a huge way…
You will refine your opinions, you will refine the business, because you will get clearer about who you are and what you want your life to be about…
But none of that clarity comes while you remain stuck in a life that you know you do not like…
Start small but START…
Do a little something different each day…
And do it in the direction of your dreams…
It is only a matter of time before you look at your life and be so exceedingly grateful that you started, that you made it work, that you found the determination and courage to decide what you really wanted and to make a start.
One step at a time and things start to change.
Next thing you know, money is flowing easily to you as you create a life and a business you adore.
It is possible…
Please begin.
As I have said, your people await the awakened version of you so…
Create the life, the business you want – Stop living the one you don’t!
And if you KNOW that you are a champion, a game changer, a leader that has a message, a calling that you are now ready to unleash on the world…
If you are driven, determined to deliberately change lives and make millions, then let us have a conversation…
A consultation, if you will…
Where we get clear on what you want to create and design, what obstacles are currently in the path and a next step plan to implement so that you move forward…
Interested? PM me ( and Lets book in the complementary 25 minute consultation.
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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