When You’re Willing, You’ll Be Ready and Able
Trust Yourself To Love!
There’s no time like now to go ahead and make a difference. A sincere willingness with an Open Heart is the first truth in Love and Compassion. This willingness is the space where anything is possible, and all else will follow.
Love is the energy that keeps life alive. It is the truth in how we came to be and how we hope to leave this plane of existence.
This infinite source of love only expands through space and time. Love’s deepest nature is beyond anyone’s choice of words that infuse hope, faith, healing, and unexpected miracles at any given time. It’s amazing that no matter how much you give, you’ll always have more. There’s enough for your partner, your child, a parent, friend, your community or even a complete stranger, as odd as that might sound. It may be a good time to check in with yourself to see whether you’ve recently been inspired to say or do something to spontaneously share love in a passing moment with that someone you did not know? What do you come up with?
Imagine how the world would be if only we were all moved by love to give love and receive love, there would probably be much less problems existing all around. Personally, I find it’s comforting to know that it all begins with just one person at a time. One person’s act of kindness can ripple through so many souls; in fact in actuality it does. It is like the ripple of a wave in a pond that goes beyond what our eyes can see…. Yet the whole body of water is moved by a synchrony of spiraling waves.
Our inter-connectedness is this collective consciousness, just like the waves as part of the pond. We all have the ability to tap into it. Whatever it is that I do, I know will have an affect on others in my life, which will thereby affect the next person, which will inadvertently affect the next, and onward and so forth which continues indefinitely. Likewise, in turn, what others say and do will affect me as well, whether it be only for the moment, a day, a week or perhaps a lifetime. This is the bittersweet beauty of our common humanity. When we know this to be our truth to the core, we know what we shall do. We simply do as we want others to do to ourselves, as we all know the old proverb only too well.
When Ready and Able, Pure Spirit and Love need not have a reason to act. Love is the reason… for all the other reasons. It does a heart good to know this, and a merry heart will need not medicine. The wonder of love is that you can express it in oh so many ways, both tangible and intangible as your heart shows you how.
If we make it a point to take notice in every day life, we’ll see that potent opportunities exist everywhere. Yes, we can even find the kind of love that moves us to hug that stranger! It’s really not surprising or all that difficult to do. If you haven’t yet, you may want to try it at least once. It may make their day more memorable than you’ll know and awaken them to love in the moment. Likewise, you too will feel the good that you give.
I can share a recent encounter from my own life that I will always remember! Recently, I was walking into a public library while at the doorway, I inadvertently overheard what struck me as a emotionally deep conversation. Of the two women talking, one seemed to be the “Encourager” offering advice to the other. For some reason, unbeknown to me, I was quite intrigued and felt transported into a unique space in time. All within a matter of seconds, I wondered what the underlying issues of the conversation pertained to; however, it dawned on me that I did not and would not know. Actually, it really did not matter. What mattered at the time, however, was the way in which this had moved me, as I’m sure the woman who was receiving the guidance must have felt. Upon walking into the lobby entrance, I greeted the woman who had uplifted the other patron. I explained that in my passing I had overheard a glimpse of their conversation. I shared my heartfelt energy and embraced her with a hug to let her know that I had acknowledged her good deed. Although good deeds are done all the time, somehow this did not seem typical. I soon found that we became engaged in our own conversation, and I was honored to feel the mutual admiration. At that very moment, I felt an unusual blessing from this sacred encounter. I knew that this came from what seems to have been nowhere, yet it is how love truly grows and expands. When we love without any expectation in return, ironically we receive a full abundance of love and then some. It is the vital energy that makes life feel complete in the moment. It allows us to genuinely enjoy the present time.
Your Spirit makes a difference..... so take it upon yourself to open your heart to love.... and do so while you have this precious time on Earth!
Once you are willing.... you become Ready and Able.
Moreen is a published author, licensed MSW in NJ, Certified Life Purpose Coach and Certified Heart Centered Hypnotherapist. She also holds certifications in various holistic fields of study including, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Master Levell II), Reiki level II Energy Practitioner, Family Systems Training and Parent Education.
She is a parent of two adult children. She is passionate about reading and writing metaphysical/ Self Growth literature.
Published Author: Chapter 23 “Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature” in ‘The Confident Woman: tapping into your Inner Power, Professional Woman Publishing 2013
Scheduled for release: January 2014 “Rebalance Your Reality” in ‘The Female Leader, Professional Woman Publishing 2014.
SelfGrowth.com Website, published articles on Self Awareness, Self Realization, Energy Healing and more.
Co-Author, ' Your Heart's Magical Journey' A metaphysical inspirational book for children and adults as they travel along their personal journey. Copyrighted, Not yet submitted for publication.
Available for Free-lance writing or Individual Coaching.
Moreen may be contacted at:
732-754-8681 or writemoreen@yahoo.com
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