If you could talk to your fat, what would it tell you? Would it say, “I’m just really stressed and I can’t think of anywhere else to go,” or would it say something more like, “Remember that bad breakup last year, well I’m here to protect you so that won’t happen again.”
Break ups, divorces, traumas, stress, suppressed anger, are just a few of the emotions that your fat will keep holding on to. Your body has an amazing desire to protect you. So, when bad stuff happens, or stress gets overwhelming, it immediately puts that emotion into the fat you carry and it will fight fiercely to keep it on in order to do its job.
One emotion that is predominately carried in your weight is the need to substitute food for affection. Inability to express this emotion can also lead to keeping the weight on. Too often we “stuff” these emotions inside and at times will not even admit to ourselves that we even feel them, leading your body to want to protect you even more and keep that fat in place.
Another emotion that often comes into play is “guilt.” Were you ever told, “Eat all the food on your plate or the children in Africa will starve?” So, now you eat everything on your plate so that children will not starve, just so you won’t feel guilty about it? Sound familiar?
A person’s history and how they view themselves is literally carried in their weight. Unfortunately, it also becomes a cyclic problem, where one perpetuates the other and it goes around and around until you can break that cycle. One example would be with the feelings of insecurity and poor self esteem. Both of these emotions are predominately carried in your belly fat. When you have experiences that give you those emotions, they get deposited into your fat cells to protect you. However, gaining weight will also just perpetuate the feelings of insecurity and not liking who you are, so it then becomes a cycle.
So, now that I know why I keep my weight on, what do I do about it?
First off, educating yourself is key. You need to go back in your life and remember times when you were told you were fat and how much it hurt. Write these down. Think about how you felt when a loved one either died or left you. Write down the emotions you felt during those times. Have you gone through a bad breakup? Write that down. Remember the sayings that you were told by your parents or grandparents to get you to eat your food, and write them down.
You and your body are your best detectives. You usually know what it is that you feel, you just have to be aware of how that is triggering you to keep our weight on. So, listen to your thoughts. Think through your life and remember the emotions you felt. Once you have a memory in mind and realize that you are probably keeping your weight on because of it, use the acupressure technique below to clear it right then and there. When the memory is predominant in your mind, then that is the best time to clear it.
So, how do you do this acupressure technique?
When you have a strong emotional connection to a memory, your body deposits that emotion/memory somewhere in your body, blocking your energy flow and causing problems. The trick is….finding that spot. One of the ways to do that is to use acupressure, which is a derivative of the ancient Chinese method of acupuncture. The difference between acupuncture and acupressure is that acupuncture uses needles and acupressure uses tapping or sustained pressure.
Tapping consists of tapping on certain points on your body with two to three fingers stimulating that point in your energy system. Your energy system consists of Chakra’s and meridians. Meridians consist of fourteen main interconnecting channels on each side of the body. Your thoughts are deposited into these meridians. These meridians go from your toes to the top of your head and everywhere in between, so those thoughts could be pretty much anywhere. When you experienced the original thoughts, if your body was weak in one point, then that is where the body would deposit those emotions.
One acupressure technique that is extremely effective is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). The best way to describe it is to say it is the psychological component of traditional acupressure. It is a simple, but empowering way of taking those emotional memories and eradicating them from your body. With this technique, you start with a set routine of set points that you tap for the emotional memory you are trying to clear. When done in the right way, this routine will clear up most memories and allow your energy system to flow freely.
You start this routine with what is known as a reversal. When you have any kind of shock, stress, trauma, or event that disrupts your energy flow, it impedes the flow of energy in your meridians. This reverses the flow of your energy and leaves you fighting against yourself. Have you ever been accused of or felt that you have no will power or that you really do not want to lose weight? That would constitute what a reversal “feels” like. It’s not that you don’t want to lose weight or that you have no will power, but you are actually fighting against a reversed energy system. You cannot heal until your energy system is corrected.
So, how do you do a reversal?
A reversal is actually a very simple thing to do. It’s so simple that people discount it and sometimes forget to do it. However, as stated above, your energy system cannot heal until this is reversed, and you cannot let go of a memory or emotion until you have your system reversed. So this step is extremely important and should be viewed as a very important initial step.
Your energy system’s control panel is located in your hands and your feet, so the side of your hand becomes your “talking” point, as it is the most convenient and is a major switchboard in communicating with the energy system in your body. You simply take the fingers from either hand and tap on the edge of your other hand, the part of your hand that hits the board in a karate chop. Thus, we call it the “karate chop” point. Then you either think or say out loud a statement that will reverse your energy. Such a statement would sound like this, “Even though I don’t want to ______ (i.e. lose weight, get over this memory of being told I am fat, etc.), I’m okay.” Always state the negative, in order to reverse you to the positive.
So, I’m reversed, now what?
Once your energy system is reversed, now you can tell it what you really want it to do. At that same talking area, the karate chop point, you make three statements to your body. These statements would always include an “Even though I want to have this” portion, and a positive affirmation on the end such as, “I deeply and completely accept myself.” This enables your mind/body connection to recognize that you have a problem, but that you are accepting of yourself even though you have it. These statements would sound like this, “Even though I have this memory from age 10 of being laughed at in school for being so fat, I deeply and completely accept myself;” or “Even though my divorce was extremely painful and left me feeling alone and empty, and now I substitute food for companionship, I deeply and completely accept myself.”
State each statement three times while tapping on that karate chop point, then move on to the set routine acupressure points to clear it from the associated meridian. These points would be:
1. Inner eyebrow (the point where the eyebrow begins by your nose).
2. Outer eyebrow (the point on the other end of your eyebrow).
3. Under your eye (on your cheek bone under your eye).
4. Under your nose (in between your lip and nose).
5. On your chin (in between your lower lip and chin).
6. Collarbone point (the point on your upper chest where your collar bone juts out).
7. Under your arm (usually where a ladies bra would be located).
8. Top of the head at the crown.
At each of these points you state the negative, “the kids were laughing at me” or “I feel alone and empty,” and tap about seven times with two fingers in each spot. On top of the head is where you make your choice. This is where you state, “I choose to release this memory and move forward with my life.”
All statements you tap out relating to memories should be very specific. Think about the memory as you tap it and use the words that come up in your mind. If you were told you were a “fat pig,” use the words “fat pig” when clearing the emotion. If you feel ashamed, guilty, lonely, etc., use those emotions in your statements and at your points as you tap out the negative thoughts. The more you personalize it to your memory and your emotions, the better you will get it out of your system and not have any residual thoughts left in there still affecting you.
So, what do I do now?
The power is now in your hands. You have the power to tap or not to tap. The decision is yours and always will be. No one can come in and make the decisions for you. In the same vein, no one else has the same memories that you have. So, the power to clear those emotions surrounding those memories is all yours. Use it to internalize that empowerment. You have a tool greater than anything else you have ever used. It seems like a simple thing at first, but when you realize the power that this gives you, it can literally change your life. Now, take that tool, change your life, and become extraordinary.
I am a certified Health Coach with training in several disciplines of acupressure, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and ESM (Environmental Stress Management), as well as certified in Kinetic testing. I have been an Energy Coach for over 15 years and have treated patients with severe autoimmune diseases on down to limiting beliefs. I have taught classes and over hundreds of people this technique, empowering them to not just be ordinary, but be extraordinary.
Visit me at my website and sign up for my free newsletter, also, follow my blog under the "Coach's Corner" this month on my personal experience with participating in a 21-day weight loss challenge. I have lost 50 lbs with just the emotional clearing, now I'm faced with attempting a "program" again in order to lose the last 30 lbs.
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