It is obvious that to become a painting contractor that you need either an experienced crew or painting experience. If you are counting painting some project like painting the inside of your home as experience for becoming painting contractors it is usually not sufficient experience. If you are going to become self-employed you will also need some business knowledge. To establish and maintain this type of business legally you will need to follow the procedures for your jurisdiction. In order to build up a client base and start to turn a profit you will need to market your service.

If you have little to no experience painting professionally, such as a neighbor’s house, then you should consider developing your skills by enrolling in an apprenticeship program for painting contractors. In this program you will study the trade and also get some hands-on experience painting professionally under the supervision of an experienced painter. If you decide that you are going to paint yourself but instead do the administrative work you will need to make sure that you hire yourself an experienced painting crew. When your business is a little more established you can hire more than one crew of experience painters so you can take on more jobs and customers will not have to wait too long to get their project done.

Do the administrative work you will need some business skills. These skills will include management, accounting, labor calculations, paperwork that is required by the federal, state, and local government, and more. Unless you hire someone to do this you will also be responsible for payroll. Many times they will hire someone to help out with the administrative duties and paperwork. If you have little to no business experience and attempt to learn-as-you-go this can be very costly and time consuming. It could lead to legal violations that could have been prevented if you had taken business courses.

Painting contractors need to make sure that they follow all the legal guidelines in their jurisdiction, which varies according to the jurisdiction. You will most likely be required to obtain a business license no matter which jurisdiction you are in. You may also need a contractor’s license. Painting contractors may be required to register their business name, and establish a business account with their bank. It may also be mandatory to register with a trade organization. The last step is to start marketing your business and start to find clients. If you did an apprenticeship program you can use it to network and make connections that could possibly become clients. Advertise in the local newspaper

Author's Bio: 

This article is penned by Lora Davis for Procoat Painting. The company is the first choice for many when it comes to house painters San Diego. Whether it is interior or exterior painting the company provides the best Point Loma painter.