Every now and then, you will meet clients who used to be excellent undergoes a drastic personality change, which makes you wind up with a nightmare client in your hands.

-What can you do?

-Where their warnings and red flags in your Customer Relationship Management you have missed?

-How is it possible to get Dr. Jekyll back?

-What happened to the friendly Dr. Jekyll?

You succeeded in getting a client and started working together, but suddenly your client starts dodging calls and neglecting invoices. You progress on the project slows down to a crawl. Even worse, the client starts making one additional demand after another, causing the scope of your project run totally out of control. Hence, the person who seemed to a normal client transforms into a living nightmare. However, what can be the real reasons for this sort of an abrupt change? Are you too late to address the issue?

Was He Mr. Hyde Right From The Start?

All of us have bad days. Sometimes emails come, which are unintentionally rude. It can be really a mistake to overlook odd behaviors from potential clients, especially if you are at set about landing sales or a project.
Here are some of the potential red flags that you must not ignore:

• Fired others before you: You potential customer mentioned that he has fired others on the same project or have chosen not to pay someone else for his work.

• Freebies: The client wants something free from you even before signing the contract, or he says that he has received freebies from someone else who he eventually did not hire.

• Rate negotiation: Once you provide your rate, the client in his first response wants to negotiate for a lower rate.

• Multiple contacts: Your client uses multiple email or phone numbers, which are not registered in your CRM platform.

• Avoid phone calls: There are several people who prefer doing business digitally. However, make sure that you speak to your client and your client remains available on the phone, even if it be for once, before entering into an agreement.

• Rude emails: There are many people those who have a natural propensity of behaving in an abrupt manner when corresponding online. However, if your client consistently corresponds in a rude manner, it is most likely that you may soon regret working with him.

• Scope creep: Although everything was made utterly clear before signing the contract, your client asks more from you at every turn.

Can You Get Back Your Dr. Jekyll?

The answer to this question is a solid ‘maybe’. However, here are a few steps that you can take to bypass a problem client in the first place or address a client who has become suddenly unapproachable and rude.

• Interview carefully: Have a 30 min phone call with a client before signing a contract may prove to be invaluable to understand if the person is the right one with whom you want to work with. If needed, create a list of questions in advance that can address your primary concerns.

• Create a SOW (Scope of Work): When it comes to a point to discuss exactly what you want from your client and vice versa, figure out a detailed itinerary before starting your work. Create a document of what you both need from each other and get it signed. Both of you should sign the document. For if the client asks for extras, later on, you can easily refer back to the SOW. You may also provide your client with prices for anything extra and document it in the SOW.

• Avoid hiring potential problems: At times trust your gut instincts before signing any contact with your potential clients. Do not hire clients who raise too many red flags right at the beginning, avoid them even if you cannot put your finger on what is bugging you.

• Communicate effectively: The answer to many critical problems can be clear communication. If you find that, your client has an attitude of only communicating over emails, set up a video call or a phone call to clear up unresolved issues. If you have to address to your client’s tone directly, do it respectfully but stand firm on your commitments.

When To Write Your Own “Dear John Utterson”?

Always remember, nobody is going to die, but you may always need to ask yourself whether the relationship with your client is worth your efforts and time. Hence, if you decide upon firing a client, be sure that you keep the process as classy as possible. Avoid your inner temptations to turn Hyde yourself and send a raving and ranting mail about what a horrible client he is.

Therefore, simply state your intent for severing the relationship, return any pre-payments for the works that you have not done, and lastly, do your best to get the project to a natural transition point, whereby it will be easy for others to complete the task.

Taking these steps will always ensure that even if you land up with a client who becomes a nightmare, you will always leave them in a good place with the best possible impression of you and your company.

Author's Bio: 

Author's Bio:
Steve Conway is a content marketing professional, and an expert in inbound marketing and CRM sales platforms that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Steve worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup. He graduated with honors from Columbia University with a dual-degree in Business Administration and Creative Writing.