Do you think you might have borderline personality disorder or BPD? Well, you might have personality traits commonly exhibited by people with the disorder, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have it. BPD, just like other personality disorders, involves a consistent pattern of thought and interaction between the person with the disorder and with his environment. This pattern usually causes several problems and can impair the sufferer’s ability take of himself or cope with life. The pattern for borderline personality disorder is usually characterized by unstable views about one’s self, behaviour, feelings and ability to interact with others, all of which can interfere with the person’s ability to function normally.

In the past, BPD has been regarded as a set of signs and symptoms that include both psychosis (reality distortion) and neuroses (mood problems). People saw it as a condition that sits borderline between schizophrenia and mood problems. However, it has now been established that the condition is more similar to personality disorders, especially with the way it develops and occurs within families.

The actual causes of borderline personality disorder are still unknown, but there are family, genetic and social factors that are associated with its incidence. The risk factors for the disorder are: 1. disrupted family life, 2. poor family communication, 3. abandonment during childhood and/or adolescence, and 4. sexual abuse. It occurs both in men and women, but mostly in women who are also receiving mental-health treatment. It affects about 6% of adults, and that is why it helps to know about the condition.

Borderline personality disorder has different symptoms. Most people with the disorder are unsure about themselves and their identity, thus their values and interests often rapidly change. They also frequently experience frequent changes in feelings or mood, and these often lead to unstable and intense relationships. They also tend to view things in extremes, as if the world is in black and white. For example, if one thing isn’t all good, then it must be all bad. Other symptoms include an irrational fear of abandonment and unwillingness to be alone. They often feel empty or bored when they are alone and are impulsive with their money and sexual relationships. This impulsiveness can even lead to substance abuse, binge eating and shoplifting. They may also have frequent bouts of inappropriate anger and episodes of self-injury. If you exhibit some of these symptoms, you should consider a check up, especially if the symptoms are starting to or are already interfering with your daily life.

Like all the other personality disorders, borderline personality disorder is diagnosed based on a psychological examination. The history and severity of the symptoms are also being evaluated. The good news is that BPD can be managed and treated. Many form of talk therapy are successful. These include dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) and group therapy. Medications can also help with the person’s mood swing and to treat other conditions that can occur with BPD. Generally, the outlook will depend on the severity of the symptoms and on the person’s willingness to accept help.

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For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Borderline Personality Disorder , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms and Symptoms of Autism.