The packing services in nyc is all that is necessary for the process of conditioning the products protect them, and/or group them temporarily thinking about their handling, transport, and storage. With this format, we preserve the quality of the cargo while keeping it safe, in all those operations in which it is involved, during the journey between the exporter and the importer.

In this route that every product performs, the packaging fulfills the mission of protecting it from certain risks: mechanical (vibrations, collision), climatic (heat, rain, humidity, cold), storage (deterioration, corrosion, mold), handling ( falls, stacking, rubbing) and even theft and pollution .

Among the functions processed by the packaging are:

Product protection: during the transport and storage of the package.

Identification: provides information on the characteristics of the product and how to handle it, thus reducing its deterioration or loss.

Cargo handling: facilitates counting, distribution, and transport of packages.

Packaging Vs container

We must be clear about the packaging and how it differs from the packaging. The first deals with the procedure to prepare the cargo in the safest way in transport or storage and is more oriented towards logistics.

While the package refers to the container that contains, protects and makes the commercial presentation of the merchandise, that is, the disposition of the product for sale and, in this case, it is oriented towards marketing and is in direct contact with the product.

In the structure of the packaging we can differentiate three levels; Primary, secondary and tertiary.

The primary packaging is the one that is in direct contact with the product, the secondary packaging is the one that contains one or several primary packaging, and the tertiary is the one that groups and unifies the previous ones in a container to protect them during the distribution process.

Types of packaging materials

According to the needs of each object, we can have different materials to choose the correct packaging:

Paper packaging

It is usually used as a cover inside other wrappers such as cardboard boxes, bags or boats. We offer product protection on external elements such as light, dust, stains or part of the humidity of the environment.

It is a flexible format, 100% natural and more resistant than other papers thanks to the fact that it preserves the natural fiber of the wood. Some examples may be envelopes, bags or kraft paper itself.

Cardboard packing

They are the quintessential packaging thanks to their great technical capacity and price. Its main format is the well-known cardboard box. It is a very useful packaging because it is adaptable in terms of size and shape (self-tapping, flaps, two pieces).

In addition, it is an excellent advertising claim for brands because they can be decorated with a logo or printed words. According to its thickness, we can choose between the single-channel (up to 20 kg in weight), double channel (up to 70 kg) or triple channel (up to 350 kg).

There are also other models of cardboard packaging that adapt to certain characteristics of objects such as shipping tubes, cardboard envelopes, cases or briefcases.

Plastic packaging

These formats offer high protection of the article against the possible damages caused by the transport, at the same time that reduces the shipping costs thanks to its lightness. They are often used in round-trip logistics transport since they can be handled and resent as many times as necessary.

For example, they are widely used in internal shipments of companies or in specialized deliveries, such as those in supermarkets.

The plastic containers are a clear example of common plastic packaging. They are normally used to send food, oils, food, liquid or beauty products. Among the most used materials for its composition are PET (polyethylene terephthalate), HDPE (high-density polyethylene), PP (polypropylene) or PVC (polyvinylchloride).

Wooden packaging

It is the perfect option for heavy or custom shipments for those products that require special protection. This type of wooden packaging can be found in different formats such as plywood boxes, hoops, fences or wooden pallets.

As we say, preserving the quality of the products and protecting the cargo is the main function of the packaging and, in addition, it is a decisive factor so that eCommerce can gain trust and loyalty in its customers.

Author's Bio: 

TM Root is a passionate blogger and writer