When I was writing The Seven Secrets my fear of what others might think when they read it led to my weight increasing by 5% almost overnight.
Because the extra weight created an extra layer of protection around my middle.
For our thoughts play a big role in determining our level of body fat.
Just as your unconscious mind is the key in determining whether or not you will be able to lose weight - or, if you continue to stay stuck.
Secret #3 answers the question: “What is my gut telling me?”
The solar plexus is about how we accept and use our personal power. It therefore combines both the physical as well as feelings/insights. These mean there is often a close association to issues manifesting in our throat as well as the solar plexus - learn more in my blog Afraid to Speak Your Truth - https://www.gregoryreecesmith.com/afraid-to-speak-your-truth/.
Gut Feelings
Candace Pert in her book Molecules of Emotion: Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine established that the “mind” was not focused in the head; rather it was distributed via the signal molecules to the whole body. The neuro/transmitters in the brain having the same configuration as those in the digestive system - hence the phrase “gut feeling.”
Medical science now knows the gut and the brain are in bi-directional communication. To quote from an article in the Journal of Physiology published in 2014: “Signals along this axis can originate in the gut, the brain or both, with the objective of maintaining normal gut function and appropriate behavior….” Meaning, what we feel in our gut influences our brain and so our mood and mindset.
More Asta Time
I first came to know Asta, a workaholic single mother, when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She had almost been mentally, physically, and financially broken by the demands of one of her clients.
Asta went the extra mile to please her clients but was reluctant to stand up for herself. She was stressed, had a poor diet with too many stimulants and digestive issues.
Her lack of self-worth was linked to her childhood and an all-too-common perception of needing to overachieve to attract love.
Some months later Asta told me she had decided to close her office. Instead of spending time managing staff, she would focus her efforts on delivering the projects herself.
She had allowed more “Asta time” into her life, met her life partner and started letting more love into her life.
To help understand the power of your solar plexus and the message it is sending you, I have placed on YouTube (https://youtu.be/DcPP8fkO1oU) a short video about Secret #3 - ready to free yourself?
Issues of Weight and Digestion
A lack of harmony in the solar plexus is likely to manifest in problems of digestion and metabolism. Hence why in addition to issues of weight, problems from poor energy flow through the solar plexus include:
irritable bowel syndrome,
food allergies,
stomach ulcers,
muscle cramps,
difficulty breathing,
chronic fatigue and
immune deficiencies.
If you ever want to have the body you desire, or if you just desire to look and feel healthy so you can enjoy of the activities you love to do… then the first thing you need to do is change what is directing your actions – your beliefs.
To be free of any pain or dis-comfort, to change the world in which you live, you must first address the beliefs of your unconscious mind.
Once you listen to your body´s message and accept the lesson it is offering, any limiting beliefs of the unconscious mind can be freed.
Free Chapter About Weight and Digestion
With the cosmos emphasising the need for each of us to stand in our power - perhaps YOU are feeling some kind of 'digestion issue' such as extra weight? Would you like to receive a FREE Copy of Secret #3 “What is my gut telling me?” from my #1 best selling book, 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony'?
Why not 'take a peek' at what the book has to offer by claiming a FREE COPY (https://creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/extra-weight-poor-digestion/) of Secret #3 and I will personally send it to you.
Please Share
Already own a copy of my #1 best-selling book, do you know someone who might benefit from knowing more about these things? Please feel free to send them a link to this page so they can claim a FREE chapter, too. Please also share this link to my short YouTube video (https://youtu.be/DcPP8fkO1oU)about Secret #3.
In November 2017 The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony was nominated for the 2017 Readers Choice Awards.
My desire is to help all to live their life of purpose. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love. Or, give them their own copy as a gift of love. Use words such as "I love and appreciate you, and I want you to have the harmonious life of your dreams. Please read this."
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To Standing in Your Power,
Breakthrough Coach, Shaman and Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life or visit: www.creatingharmonyinyourlife.com.
Follow me on: https://twitter.com/grs2030
P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.
Gregory Reece-Smith Bsc. (Econ), MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony (http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry). He helps executives and entrepreneurs overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue so they achieve the freedom and flexible success they desire. He does this by helping shift the beliefs that limit their lives and thus their world around them.
It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy. The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets. For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.
Gregory has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organizations. His blog can be found at: www.gregoryreecesmith.com.
When not helping executives and entrepreneurs move beyond burn outs and mental fog to become super heroes, you can find him sitting on the terrace conversing with visitors as they enjoy the ever changing view of Serra da Estrela (the highest mountain in Portugal), tending the vegetables or taking a country walk with his wife.
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