Developing a healthy body image is one of the most important things you can do to maintain a healthy mindset. It all starts from how you think of yourself, and when it comes down to it, you must accept yourself for the person that you are. 
It can surely be a tough task. You're constantly being thrown images of people who are almost impossibly thin and this leads you to set unattainable goals for yourself. Since you can't reach these impossible goals, you can get easily discouraged. But there is good news!

Changing Your Self Image

The good news is that, with the proper drive, you can change the way you think about yourself. Accept your current situation and set goals for yourself that you can actually attain. This sets you up for success and a healthy, enthusiastic attitude as well.
Consider these steps on your path to change:

1. Accept yourself. Accept yourself for who you are. If you look in the mirror and hear the voice inside your head saying negative things about you, change the subject to something positive.

2. Avoid comparing yourself to others. It's very easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to your friends and the models in the magazines. Everyone is different!  We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, so make the most of what you've got!

3. Accept others. Learning to accept others helps you more easily accept yourself. Pass out sincere compliments to others. If you're too harsh on others you tend to be too harsh on yourself as well.

4. Make an attainable goal. If you do fall into an overweight or obese category, make an attainable weight loss goal for yourself. Focus on areas that you can improve, like portion size or exercise routines. Just don't judge yourself or expect yourself to lose weight too fast.
Some people will just never be tiny no matter how much weight they lose; this goes back to that most important concept of accepting yourself.

Adopting a Positive Mindset

Focus on your positive attributes. If you have beautiful eyes, post yourself a reminder about your beautiful eyes near the bathroom mirror. You might be struggling with weight loss goals, but you still have your beautiful eyes. When you hold onto a positive feeling, it gives you a drive and hope. This positive attitude will make it easier for you to reach your goals.

Author's Bio: 

John Oxnard created to help you get six pack abs and get healthy. He is passionate about sports, leading a healthy lifestyle, and everything related to physical fitness. Recent Article: Myths About 6 Pack Abs