A water softener is an ingenious device that can convert large quantities of water into soft water in a short time. But how does a water softener actually work?

How does a water softener work?

There are two different techniques of water softening:

  • Water softening based on ion exchange
  • Water softening by means of reverse osmosis

Ion exchange
Most water softeners work according to the ion exchange principle. In this process, calcium ions and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions. This effectively decalcifies the water.

In the water softener is a resin column filled with resin beads. Here the drinking water flows through. The water is decalcified by the resin beads. After a certain period of time, the resin core is completely saturated with lime and needs to be rinsed and regenerated. This is done automatically and it uses a certain amount of regeneration salt. The brine that is created in this process is washed away together with the lime particles via a discharge pipe. After the regeneration process, the water softener is ready for use again.

Reverse osmosis
A water softener that works according to the principle of reverse osmosis removes not only lime from the water but also other salts, minerals and contaminants. The water is passed through various filters and is finally forced through a fine membrane under high pressure. Osmosis water contains almost no dissolved substances after filtration.

Osmosis systems are often used in combination with professional dishwashers or in laboratories where it is important that the water is completely pure. Osmosis systems are also used at home, but often in combination with an espresso machine or as a standalone water cooler where you can drain water.

The difference with a water softener is that an osmosis system needs time to produce osmosis water. So you can not immediately dispose of large quantities of water.

Water softening based on electromagnetism
In softwaterlab, devices are for sale that spread a strong magnetic field. You need them to clamp the water pipe. The manufacturers of this type of magnets claim that they have a positive effect on the water and that there would be less lime. From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence for this claim. After all, electromagnetism does not change the composition of the water.

The calcium and magnesium that is responsible for limescale is simply present in the water and when heating or evaporating the water you will continue to have problems with limescale. Systems based on magnetism, no matter how attractive they are, you can better ignore them.

Type of water softeners
There are currentless systems for sale that only use the water pressure. They are called hydraulic water softeners. On the other hand, you have the electrical systems that they contain a computer that can be programmed. For example, all kinds of parameters can be entered into the device, such as the water hardness and the time at which the appliance has to regenerate. Softening the water happens in both systems in exactly the same way, it is only the control that is different.

What is For You?
For use at home you can suffice with a household water softener. You can buy these devices in different capacities. The largest models are suitable for households up to 9 people, mostly simplex water softeners (provided with 1 resin cylinder).

Some models are equipped with two resin cylinders so you can always have soft water, even when the device regenerates, this is called duplex water softeners. They are slightly more expensive than the standard softeners with one cylinder but are becoming increasingly popular because of the higher comfort they offer.

Industrial water softeners are especially suitable for buildings where the water requirement is very high. Think, for example, of companies, offices, schools and catering establishments. There are also water softeners with separate modules , where the salt reservoir is separate from the cylinder. For small spaces, compact water softeners or small water softeners exist.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones