VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, which is also called and supposed to be the subset of telephone recording system. In the earlier times, it was used extensively in the call centers, but now a day due to its various useful features it has become quite popular in different types of firms, irrespective of the size of the organization. Gone are the days when the usage of VOIP was seen as a crime. But today with the concept of recording calls, VOIP recorder has become popular as a very important device in many organizations.

As a matter of fact the phone calls are now recorded to deal with different sorts of security and many more important reasons. Its usage can be seen in different places whether it is a matter of reducing the chances of the misunderstanding between the clients and the service provider or an intention of reducing the vulnerability of an organization against the law suits. The device keeps the track of all such important things. The security level of an organization is also increased with the proper usage of VoIP recorder. Not only this, there are numerous important functions done by this recorder.

Most importantly, with this device the performance of the employees can be reviewed; different data can be verified and shared in order to increase the satisfaction level of the clients. The usage of this device is also related with the enhancement in the performance level and increase in the morality level of the agents taking or making the call. If an organization has to fulfill all the above mentioned functions the VoIP recorder is their first and the foremost requirements to be fulfilled. Good news is that the phone calls are now recorded to deal with all sorts of security and many more important reasons.

For your concern, the packets of Real Time Protocol are actually captured basically by two methods. The very first process cannot capture the internal, peer to peer calls. And this method directs the out bound traffic and the second method is to connect the VoIP recorder to the VLAN. In order to sniff the signals the SPAN port is used. It is the Real Time Protocol that is abbreviated as RTP aids in recording process.

Author's Bio: 

With years of experience, Mensink Reed help people collect information on voice logger, CRM and CTI related solutions. The author also writes on VoIP recording appliance, voice recording system and screen capture software including IT services. For more info visit VoIP recorder and SIP Recording.