Cobalamin, popular among the masses as Vitamin B12 is one the most crucial vitamins needed by the human body. Unfortunately, the human body does not itself produce Vitamin B12 and thus has to rely on external sources for its daily requirement.
Vitamin B12 is found in some animal products and is also available at medicine shops in the form of oral medicines and injections. An adult must intake at least 2.4 mcg of Vitamin B12 daily. This dosage increases for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Following are 9 benefits of Vitamin B12:
1. Prevents Anaemia–helps the body produce more RBC (red blood cells) which allows the oxygen to easily reach the vital body organs like liver, kidney, etc. This prevents fatigue and weakness.

2. Prevents Birth Defects–Vitamin B12 is an indispensable requirement for a healthy pregnancy. Its timely consumption limits the possibility of the brain and spinal cord defects in newborn babies.

3. Supports Bone Health–Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead the bone mineral density levels to drop down below the normal levels. Bones may become weak and fragile and the body develops a high risk of osteoporosis.

4. Reduces Risk Of Macular Degeneration–macular degeneration refers to an eye disease that affects the central vision. Vitamin B12 promotes good vision and you must keep a check on your daily dosage for good health.

5. Improves Mood–Vitamin B12 helps fight depression as its consumption releases a chemical called“serotonin” in the body that regulates the mood and makes you feel happy.

6. Prevents Loss Of Neurons–It is a known fact that consuming adequate quantities of Vitamin B12 prevents memory loss. Now research is being conducted to see if it can also help in improving memory.

7. GivesEnergy Boost–if you suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency, you may always feel weak and low on energy. Consult your doctor for their advice on Vitamin B12 supplements to feel energetic again.

8. Enhances Heart Health - due to lack of Vitamin B12, the human body may witness an increase in levels of an amino acid called “homocysteine”. Consuming Vitamin B12 decreases the levels of homocysteine thus preventing heart ailments.

9. Supports Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails–Vitamin B12 aids in the generation of new cells and hence can help cure hyperpigmentation, nail discoloration, etc.
There are numerous advantages of Vitamin B12 but the body does neither produce it nor store it within itself for longer durations. Hence it becomes extremely important for us to start consuming the suggested intake of Vitamin B12 daily and enjoy our life with a healthy and energetic body.
VitBoost is a popular health supplement brand that has some of the finest products available on Amazon. It’s Vitamin B12 is 100% natural and is available in a 5000 mcg packaging. They have introduced it in a raspberry flavor which makes it tasty to consume for both kids and adults.

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Author's Bio: 

VitBoost is a popular health supplement brand that has some of the finest products available on Amazon. It’s Vitamin B12 is 100% natural and is available in a 5000 mcg packaging.