It is easier to “manipulate” words than thoughts, feelings or emotions. Start to change your words and you'll change your life.

The other day I was talking with my best friend (a very handsome man) about how we feel when somebody says that we are an "ugly" person or something unpleasant about us. These commentaries hurt our feelings.

I've been working on my self-esteem for the last five years and I've had good results. I'm not hurting myself anymore when somebody says something disagreeable to me. I think everybody has the freedom to think –and say- anything about me. If that's what they think, shame on them, because I'm a great woman. I'm Pretty, Sexy and Smart!

When somebody says something unpleasant/offensive about you and it hurts your feelings, it is because you are insecure about yourself and maybe you believe what they are saying. You are in the “insecure vibrational,” that is why you're listening to them. When you have no insecurities and love and accept yourself completely, you never let any comment or action hurt you. When you are in the Love-acceptance frequency (vibrational), you just hear the good comments about you, or you are capable of changing any negative into a positive.

When you focus your mind on the negative side of things, persons or situations, you are in the negative frequency, so you just hear negative things. That is why we feel uncomfortable when somebody says compliments about us. We are "closed" to hearing it. When somebody says positive things about us, it doesn't match our vibrational mood, it doesn't belong with our thoughts, so we repel that automatically.

We need to focus our Self into alignment to notice and accept all the good things about us. An alignment between you and you (source). A vibrational alignment. When you accept who you are. When you love yourself completely.

In my opinion, vibrational alignment is to accept loving yourself and feeling good. To be in the POSITIVE mood. To be in the mood to be joyful. To be ready to receive and get what you want.

I have been practicing my own "method" of changing my negative mood into a positive one. I think everything starts with a word or a thought, so if I change the words I'm using, my thought will change, and if I change the thought the feeling will change, and if I change the feeling the emotion will change. It looks like this:

Positive Words = Positive Thoughts/Images = Positive Feelings = Positive Emotions

When I catch myself with a negative thought (with no words) I start to put that thought in positive words. It is easier than changing negative thoughts to positive ones. For example, if I'm thinking that I'm not getting enough work for this week, and I’m starting to get frustrated, I affirm "I’m having time to do things I enjoy”, “Money is coming every day by different ways”, “My customers love my work and they are looking for me to help them with their projects”. When I affirm things like this, I change my mind and start to do things I enjoy instead of being frustrated because I don't have enough work to do (i.e., no money!). It looks like this:

Negative thoughts converted into Positive Words (affirmations) = Positive thoughts/Images = Positive Feelings = Positive Emotions = Vibrational Alignment

And guess what? Because I changed my vibrational mood to a positive one and I feel good, “magic” happens and I start to get more work. I have applied that a lot of times and it works for me.

It is easier to "manipulate" words than thoughts, feelings or emotions. So when change your words, you can change your mind. Challenge yourself and forget about negative words. Imagine they don't exist in your vocabulary. How can you complain without these words? Negative words are NOT only no, not, don’t, didn’t, never, won’t, wouldn’t and couldn’t. Negative words include pain, suffering, suck, stuck, resistance, fail, hurt, bad, unhappy, frustrated, problem, and any word that goes against your desires. Your challenge is to find positive words to replace negative words when they come to your mind.

You need to be VERY aware of your words and your thoughts and it is a good idea to carry a piece of paper and a pen with you. When you begin this process, it is easier to write your positive affirmations than to just think them. When you practice it's very easy to make the equation in your mind. Remember, if you hear negative news or comments and they affect you, is because you are in the same (negative) vibrational mood. It is time to focus yourself into alignment and change your life.

Author's Bio: 

Patricia Anaya, creator of, has a passion for creating projects that help people, especially women and children. " opens up a lot of possibilities to touch women's lives and help them to improve self-esteem." She's also passionate about offering the very best in content and commentary, humor and high-quality merchandise that supports's signature motto, Love Yourself! Tell the World, I'm Pretty, Sexy and Smart!