EFT For Procrastination
Uncovering and Neutralizing Blocks to Moving Forward

(If you are uncertain about how to do EFT or where to locate the tapping points, go to my website homepage and request a copy of the EFT Quickstart Manual: www.loraemarsten.com.)

Whatever the root cause, with EFT and persistence, we can uncover and neutralize our blocks. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Before tapping, ask yourself :
What is the downside of moving forward?
How would my life change if I stopped procrastinating? Relationships, job, etc.
Why don’t I feel safe about moving forward?
Answers to these questions may provide important clues as to why procrastination is holding you back. Also you may want to use them to customize your EFT set-up phrases.

Here are some EFT set-up phrases you may use. Remember to say them with feeling:

EVEN THOUGH I keep procrastinating and its so hard to get going, I love and accept myself and all my difficulties and excuses.

EVEN THOUGH I can’t stop procrastinating and I’m not willing to stop either, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

EVEN THOUGH I can’t stop procrastinating, I am willing to love and respect myself enough to move through all my blockages someday and I’m going to start now.

(Here are a number of statements dealing with some common reasons for procrastination. If a statement resonates with you, you may want to repeat it on several tapping points before continuing with the other statements. Be sure to add statements that you know relate to you specifically.)

EYEBROW All this procrastinating.
SIDE OF EYE I can’t get going.
UNDER EYE I’m feeling so stuck.
NOSE I’m not sure if I even want to get going.
CHIN I feel kind of helpless right now. C
COLLARBONE It feels like there’s nothing I can do about this procrastination.
UNDER ARM Maybe I’m not smart enough, or the right age, or whatever!
LIVER I’m scared about what will happen when I have done this.
HEAD Other people can get going, but not me.

EYEBROW I don’t even want to get going.
SIDE OF EYE Yes I do want to get going.
UNDER EYE You can’t make me.
NOSE Actually, nobody is really forcing me to do anything here.
CHIN I feel like I’m being pushed around.
UNDER ARM It’s too hard!
LIVER It’s not fair that I have to try/do this!
HEAD All these feelings!

Now to tap in the positive:
EYEBROW These thoughts are just a voice in my head.
SIDE OF EYE They’re not a really rational voice either.
UNDER EYE Maybe I don’t have to listen to them any more.
NOSE I can choose to get moving.
CHIN I choose to move forward one step at a time.
COLLARBONE I can do it in a way that feels comfortable to me.
UNDER ARM It feels good to be able to move forward.
LIVER I can feel safe and move forward.
HEAD I am grateful to be able to move forward.

(Extra rounds of the positive are a good idea once you feel these ideas are true for you.)