They used to be called "broken homes" - those families with children that experienced divorce. Now with more than a third of households in the United States headed by a single parent, much of the stigma has been resolved but the struggle remains. This is not just a US problem, as single ... Views: 1146
Since the 1970s, tough love has gotten a lot of attention. Its all about creating tough consequences for teens when they make irresponsible or dangerous decisions. Sadly, the term has been used to describe a parenting style that often resembles bully behavior. Parents are struggling with their ... Views: 3393
I'm the first to admit that teenage relationships can be some of the most intense relationships ever! But teens are also in danger of reacting to the drama of a tumultuous relationship or the ending of a relationship by resorting to life-altering decisions. Sadly, one of those reactions can ... Views: 6941
He was just eleven years old when he first tried alcohol at a friend's house, and by age 14 Jack was drinking regularly. He joined the millions of teenage boys and girls who had what he called a "positive experience" with alcohol, yet the long-term effects were devastating. During his later teen ... Views: 1737