With the weather getting warmer, and more people exercising outdoors, it is important to remember to take safety precautions. Just this afternoon as we were skating around Lake Murray, a man on either inline skates or a bicycle, wrecked and fractured his arm. I wasn’t present when the accident ... Views: 2063
The other day someone approached me asking how to get started with a fitness program, and so I thought I would cover some of the basics in this week’s column. I highly recommend seeking the help of a qualified fitness professional to get you going if your budget allows it, even if it’s just a ... Views: 725
It’s become more apparent to me lately just how many people have difficulty either getting started with a fitness program or simply adhering to one. I’m coming to believe that there is a certain mind set, or psychology let’s call it, behind the problem. For most athletes, fitness and sports have ... Views: 924
When meeting new clients for the first time, they often tell me that they have tried working out on their own in the past, but find it very difficult to adhere to a regular program. Although I have always been an advocate of scheduled workouts until you are at least past the initial dropout ... Views: 758
Many long hours in front of my laptop, along with some advice from my best friend, inspired this article—how to incorporate fitness into your office job and break up the hours spent on your computer. Lately it seems that time jumps leaps and bounds ahead whenever I sit down in front of my own ... Views: 731
While the obvious benefits of exercise are well known by most, many people are still unaware of the not so obvious. Let’s start with the heart—our body’s greatest muscle. According to the surgeon general, aerobic exercise, also known as cardiovascular exercise, must be done on a regular basis in ... Views: 733
How many of you reading this finds it difficult to adhere to a fitness regime? If you’re like most Americans, you probably find it at least challenging, some may even go so far as to say impossible. From my experience, I find that you must adhere to a program for at least six months before it ... Views: 1031
Have you noticed more children with weight problems today than ten or twenty years ago? If so, it’s not your imagination, child obesity is a bigger problem now more than ever before. Some of you may know a child with a serious weight disorder, or maybe you even have a child of your own with a ... Views: 786
As you may have discovered for yourself, sticking with an exercise program long enough to make it an actual habit can be difficult, to say the least. While hopefully most of you reading this are either currently exercising or planning to start doing so in the near future, almost all of you will ... Views: 861
I've noticed that a lot of the women I've trained with over the years suffer from weight lifting phobia. By that I mean that they tend to be overly concerned with developing muscularity, as if itís a bad thing. I guess a lot of women are under the misconception that the development of muscle is ... Views: 906
While you can find plenty of expensive fitness equipment to spend your money on, it may surprise you to know that you can get started with a few choice items, each for under $30. Many people think that you need to spend a lot of money on equipment in order to get in shape, but in reality, you ... Views: 1125
Cardiovascular exercise is any exercise that involves an elevated heart rate. Walking, running, swimming, and boxing are all examples of this. This is only one part of a balanced fitness program, however, with the other three parts being flexibility, resistance training, and nutrition. Cardio is ... Views: 1078
I recently began surfing, and I have to say that I love it! Surf Divas in La Jolla specializes in teaching women and girls how to surf, and they do an excellent job at it while having a great time. One thing I did notice, however, was that many of the students lacked upper body strength.
The ... Views: 3715
According to the most recent government survey conducted by the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, Americans need to exercise at least an hour a day. This nearly doubles the previous recommendation.The study was published in a 1,000-page report that came out just a couple weeks ... Views: 1215