You probably know or have at least heard of Newton’s law that states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There is balance and equilibrium in the world. Here’s the kicker, and question I throw your way, have you ever thought of your thoughts as “action”? If you ... Views: 1725
What’s up? I’m sure a lot. Probably doing some shopping, maybe a lil baking, wrapping up some year end work, wrapping gifts, prepping for a great start to 2012. Good stuff. Glad to hear.
Hopefully though, you’re taking some time to enjoy and celebrate this season of Christmas and reflect on a ... Views: 864
Have you ever seen “The Godfather” trilogy? Come on, you gots to see this. If you have, I’m willing to bet you’ve watched them more than once, maybe a dozen times (sorry to admit, I’m guilty). Now, let me just throw this out there. I’m certainly not for glorifying the mob or mafia at all. ... Views: 1290
Do you want to grow? Do you feel like you’re stuck? Yet, you know there’s more. Here’s the real deal, boiled-down, straight-for-the-jugular quick version of what needs to be done. And, fact of the matter, you probably know this already deep down somewhere inside you.
1. Increase your self ... Views: 728
As you sow, so shall you reap.
I’m sure you’ve heard this statement at one point or another in your life. Have you ever really thought about it though? Look at this way. Right now, in your life, you’re reaping and harvesting things you’ve sown in the past. So, we’ve actually created our lives ... Views: 1544
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Pass It On - by Ron Kawatsky,
I remember being told when I was younger to share. I remember at the start of my career being told that to get what I want, I need to help others get what they want. I remember being told in church to serve others, to be a servant. The great poet and gangsta rapper Snoop Dog even said, “It ain’t ... Views: 933
Increasing happiness. Are you happy? No joke. Are you really happy?
If not…why? You know that happiness is your choice, right? Mind you, I’m not trying to be a jackass here. I just saying that happiness is as easy as making a decision to be happy.
It’s really about focus, attention, and ... Views: 1068
When was the last time you gave yourself a self examination? No, not the kind you do in front of a mirror. Although, now that I think about it, those too are a good idea. You know what, after you’re done reading this article, give yourself one of those physical self examinations, really. Have ... Views: 763
Think about these sayings and beliefs. Money doesn’t grow on trees. When it rains it pours. It takes money to make money.
Really? Who comes up with this crap? More importantly, why do we repeat these and other ridiculous phrases. You probably got it from your parents, family or friends, ... Views: 907
Right now, in your life, are you chasing a dream or goal? Do you want to achieve that dream so bad? Do you want it so bad that you kneeled down and prayed to God for His help? If you did that…Great. But what normally happens next? We run dead smack into some roadblocks or obstacles, right? Even ... Views: 964
So, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say if you’re reading this, somewhere inside you, you have a desire to grow as person. After writing that, I really don’t think anyone is going to openly admit to wanting to stay exactly where they’re at this very day for the remainder of their days. We ... Views: 1132
I blame…myself? Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound right.
The blame game, as my wife used to to call it WAS one of my favorite games to play. LOVED IT. “That wasn’t my fault, it was your fault.” Or, “If you didn’t do that, I wouldn’t have got all screwed up.” It’s a classic game. You’re always ... Views: 928
Somewhere along the way, we picked up the belief “I can’t do it”. It might have come from someone (parent, friend, teacher, whoever) or internally from ourselves. We may have had an idea to do something, accomplish some goal and somebody (perhaps ourselves) said, “Ohhh, you can’t do that”. ... Views: 872
I’m willing to bet you’ve heard the statement, “Thoughts are Things”. If you haven’t. Well…They Are. However, I’m not sure if you ever deeply thought about that short, three word truth and the profound life-changing implications it carries. The fact of the matter is that thoughts are the ... Views: 1071
Maybe more lights? No. Perhaps some more camera? Nope. We all know that where the rubber meets the road is through our ACTION.
As much as visualizing and mental rehearsing is vital, without action, its all for not. We still live in a physical world where physical action is the keystone is ... Views: 952
So, in Part I (Is Your Self-Image One of These Guys?), I left you with a painstaking cliffhanger regarding adding positive truths and beliefs. Remember, this is all in an effort to improve our self-image. To view ourselves in a more positive and empowered light.
Now, before I jump right ... Views: 797
Let’s talk about why believing is so important? To do so we, need to talk about our Self-Image. All the beliefs that we hold as truths make up our self-image. Our self-image is the picture of our self that we carry. It’s our image of the type of person we are. Most importantly, as Dr. ... Views: 645
So, let me ask you a question, are you as amazed with the mind, the human mind, as I am? It is so complex and so powerful that it’s hard to believe. Early on I took an interest to it when I was younger and overhead the statement, “mind over matter”. Just for fun I would try to practice and ... Views: 823