Stress awareness month always confused me. Aren’t we always hyperaware of how stressed we are? What we may not realize is how stress affects us.
The Price of Stress
When we are stressed our limbic brain takes over, shutting down all body systems which do not help us fight or flee danger. ... Views: 1110
Stress awareness month always confused me. Aren’t we always hyperaware of how stressed we are? What we may not realize is how stress affects us.
The Price of Stress
When we are stressed our limbic brain takes over, shutting down all body systems which do not help us fight or flee danger. ... Views: 1169
If you had millions of dollars, what would you do? Buy an expensive house and car? How about a used van and park it by the ocean? That is exactly what Major League pitcher Daniel Norris did. Instead of spending his multimillion dollar contract to live up to the appearance of a celebrity ball ... Views: 1100
I learned from a sweet little movie called About Time a very powerful message about to find happiness in our lives. The story is about a family with the ability to travel back in time. On the son’s 21st birthday, he is told about the power and how to use it. For the first half of the movie, this ... Views: 1312
It happens to each one of us at one time or another. We become stuck. We enter a state of lethargy. Whether it involves our work or our home life, there are just days (and unfortunately sometimes weeks and months) where we feel stuck. We don’t seem to have the energy to move forward. We feel the ... Views: 1436
Four ways to trust your doctor and be the project manager of your health:
Know Your Body
When you experience a symptom, look at your whole body not just where the pain is. What other symptoms, large or small, are you experiencing? Our bodies are complex interconnected systems. When one area ... Views: 1186
Margie was the best hostess. She greeted everyone at the door. She passed appetizers and offered drinks. Margie ensured that everyone had a good time and that absolutely everything was perfect. The problem was - this was not Margie’s party. She was a guest at the party like everyone else and yet ... Views: 1272
Like the Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz I sought an expert to provide me with what I already held.
Over a decade in corporate America led this Type A into physical distress. I was fatigued and irritable. My muscles were tight and painful. My digestion and reproductive ... Views: 1261
Holidays are the best time of the year filled with parties, celebrations, gifts, food, family, and friends.
Or are they?
happy_holidays_wallpaper_by_darktrick17-d5mvmf2For some, holidays can be one of the most stressful times of the year. Our schedule is filled with events and gatherings ... Views: 1166
Workers seem more and more stressed every day.
Technology has created expectation of an immediate response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Short-term thinking and planning based on the focus of quarterly stock reports has increased the sense of importance for every project. ... Views: 1442
“Now that I am trying to change, I don’t like who I am.”
At some point, many of my clients say this or something similar. When they finally see a new way to be, but are not yet capable of acting that way, they begin to attack themselves.
judges gavel“I am a horrible person.”
“Being this ... Views: 1133
Recently a client admitted to falling back into an old undesirable habit. Ashley had once again become a tyrant at home. She was obsessed with the cleanliness of her house. She worried about getting things done on time. She stopped interacting with her family. The only time she spoke to them was ... Views: 1334
In our fast-paced, multi-tasking, on-the-go-deadline driven work, we are often caught up in the act of “Doing.” We move from task to task on our to-do list. We rush from work to class to home. We keep pushing ourselves to do more and do it better.
from type a to type me: how to stop doing ... Views: 1261
When the behaviors of a Type A are out of control, we can take responsibility for situations and outcomes, for the feelings and experience or others, and for absolutely everything around us. We think everything is our responsibility, and thus, within our control to affect. We fear if we don’t ... Views: 1244
The concept of a Type A personality has not been around for long. It was actually identified in the 1950s by two cardiologists, Drs. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, who were studying coronary heart disease. They found a link between personality types and heart disease. According to their ... Views: 1232
Lately I have been experiencing a ground swell of desire for a new way to be and live. I expect to see this from my clients, however I am seeing it in places and people I would not expect.
Arianna Huffington shares her thoughts about redefining success in her new book, Thrive: The Third ... Views: 1330
Another powerful concept Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor provided in her TEDx Talk is the concept that we are feeling creatures who think. We are not thinking people who feel, yet this is what our society believes and values – which is at the heart of many of our issues.
brainHere is the science and ... Views: 1446
“Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” – Mark Twain
What was the last thing that made you angry? The bad driver cutting you off? Your kids not picking up their toys? You were passed over for a promotion?
How long ... Views: 1267
I like to think I was a control freak, but I guess I still am. Back in the old day I was a micromanager, taking responsibility for every aspect of a project even if it wasn’t mine. I would stay awake at night worrying about outcome. I would plan and scheme what else I could do to make the ... Views: 1244
Neil Findlay says he is just, “An ordinary person out there doing some stuff.” But he is so much more than that. Both Neil and his wife have dedicated some of their working years and now their “retirement” to helping children around the world. They are both an inspiration for what we can all ... Views: 1846
Diane Beaulieu, Entrée Kitchen owner and B.I.G. pod leader, asks, “When you have that feeling of there just aren’t enough hours in the day, where do you suggest one starts to relieve the stress?”
Great question Diane!
Take Back Your Work LifeThere are four places to find relief when you ... Views: 1480
We all complain about stress, but what is it really. National Geographic did a wonderful report on what stress is by not only looking at humans and our environment, but also through baboons and science. In watching specific tribes of baboons who ate the same food, lived in the same area, and ... Views: 1383
I like to think I am fearless, and in many ways I am. But in some ways I am not. One of the most noticeable ways is in regards to my business. I fear not having enough income to pay my bills. I fear I will not be able to make the business what I want it to be. I fear that I made a mistake making ... Views: 1327
A young mother experiences a difficult birth and illness of her first child and then a difficult choice when her own illness affects her next pregnancy. Learn how writing became a saving grace and sense of hope during this difficult time.
A Witch's AuraDevon Volkel is now a 30 year old stay ... Views: 1315
Recently whenever I talk to a client or friend about their job I hear:
I have lost the passion for my work.
My co-worker undermined my project.
It seems we only shuffle paper and no longer provide anything of true value.
My boss took credit for my work.
I have to work overtime ... Views: 1299
Empowerment means the power of choice. Empowerment is about courage. It is the belief that we are in control of our experience. Empowerment is not about labeling good or bad, but about actively choosing what makes us happy in each and every moment. The journey to empowerment and great health is ... Views: 1351
Is there something you are afraid of?
Is there something you are afraid to face?
Dale Spencer had to face his fears, in order to recreate his life. Dale was leading the life of an average college student when at the age of 20 an unforeseen injury changed his life forever. Left paralyzed, ... Views: 2726
Never in history have we had such comforts and ease of living. Our grocery store shelves are stocked and we can cook a meal in minutes. We can communicate with family and friends around the world instantaneously and face to face. Modern conveniences make our day to day life easy. Then why the ... Views: 1395
At first I didn’t know why I felt so poorly. I thought that it might just be due to my new job filled with travel, deadlines, and an ever-changing focus. My stress-levels increased while my exercise decreased. My eating habits became poor as processed, prepackaged convenience foods and the ... Views: 1410
For the past five years, I have been earnestly working on writing my first solo book. The concept originally started with musings on my walk to my old corporate job. Then I wrote a few essays and ideas. None seemed to take shape. After leaving corporate America, I knew it was the time to make it ... Views: 1281
This July I am offering a course for small businesses. The Business Strategy 101 course is based off the key premise that every good company has a plan.
A business plan is a vision for where the company is going and how it is going to get there. Every good business book writes that in ... Views: 1486
During a recent small business event the question was asked, “How many of the businesses present have busing plans?” Only 25% of the businesses there had plans. It was shocking that in this economy businesses were not strategizing on how to grow their business. To grow a business it is ... Views: 1396