One of my Inner Circle members asked what she should do about feeling unsure because the guy she is dating (not exclusively) is nice to other women. My advice follows, and I would love your thoughts:
There is a different way to look at this. If he is a nice man, he will be nice to everyone, ... Views: 1529
A women wrote to me today asking for some guidance. She said she was having difficulty moving on after breaking up with her boyfriend, even though the relationship wasn’t working.
One thing I know about moving on is that you can’t remove something without putting something else in it’s place. ... Views: 1558
How Feminism Harms Women by relationship author Kara OhI got a note from a woman who said she’s a Feminist and not interested in what I teach about how to have a deeply loving relationship with a good man. But she was searching for help in the relationship arena, which tells me it’s not going ... Views: 2026
Do You Want Your Ex Back?
September 27, 2011 by Kara Oh
Filed under All About Men
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Do You Want Your Ex Back? by relationship author Kara OhIt’s a common scenario. He breaks up with you, then BAM!, he’s immediately in a new relationship. But you’re still in love with ... Views: 1514
Most men don’t want to admit they might be going through midlife crisis. When a man does, it’s meaningful. I wrote a book on the topic, and right before I was ready to publish it, my computers were stolen and that book as well. I need to write it again, but first, because I have so many women ... Views: 1745
I was talking to a woman recently and as usually happens, the topic of what I do came up. After explaining that I write books, do public speaking and led workshops and seminars about relationships, she told me she was looking for a man to be in a relationship with.
Everything she said she was ... Views: 2385
He’s struggling with the choice of you, or his ex, or someone new that he’s met. What do you do?
The best advice I can offer in this situation, in order to win him completely, is be the one who makes him feel like a worthy man. There are two Secrets about men that are of utmost importance, ... Views: 1609
Okay, here’s how my thinking rolled along, ending up with the above title, knowing I had something helpful to share with you…
I’m sitting out here on my patio, looking at my beautiful view, listening to John Legend’s “So High,” sent to me by Stephen, my CO (Chosen One) in a text. (Check out the ... Views: 5748
When a man asks the question, “Is this all there is?”, somewhere between 35 and 55, they often go into what is referred to as Midlife Crisis. It is a serious time in their lives because it is the peak time (other than during the teen years) when they are most likely to commit suicide, to ruin ... Views: 1474
I introduced the concept of Feminine Grace™ ten years ago in the first edition of Men Made Easy. It’s the foundation by which a woman should live her life, if she wants to be her happiest, with an immeasurable capacity to give and receive love.
I’m working on finishing the book so many woman ... Views: 8090
There are some really simple ways to get a man’s attention and cause him to want to get to know you. But I thought it would be fun, and maybe drive the point home in a more powerful way, to tell you how you can turn men off, guaranteed. Clearly, this is all tongue-in-cheek, but it’s still ... Views: 2032
Chelsea Kaplan wrote an article titled “Are You The Last One Single?” One of her pieces of advice attempted to answer the question: How can single women project confidence when inside, they’re panicking? She recommends that a woman “project a radiantly positive persona, date with dignity, and ... Views: 1552
I was talking to a 37 year old man today – I’ll call him Jake – about his recent experiences with women. He related a conversation he had on the phone with a woman he hadn’t even met yet. She told him she had 63 things on her list that she was looking for in a man. She’d recently met one who ... Views: 1583
Men are ever-watchful to avoid getting involved with high maintenance women. You’ve heard of High Maintenance women but do you know what that means? Hopefully, after I explain this sad malady, you’ll cleanse any HM behavior you might have going.
First, a high maintenance woman needs things to ... Views: 2420
If you’ve been together for a while, those “in love sparkles” can disappear. Sometimes they just ebb and flow, coming and going mysteriously.
When they’re gone, things just don’t feel as good as they used to.
Often, we’re not very aware of why things don’t feel quite right, you wonder if ... Views: 1342
Is shyness or insecurity keeping you from meeting your soul mate? Here’s a simple way to become more confident and start having more fun.
Men agree that one of the most attractive qualities in a woman is when she’s self-assured, likes herself, is comfortable with who she is, likes how she ... Views: 5709
Have you ever been interested in, or worse, in love with a man and he leaves for no apparent reason? Maybe it’s because you’re a High Maintenance woman and don’t realize it.
Men are ever-watchful to avoid getting involved with high maintenance women. Let me explain why it’s one of the worst ... Views: 1415
If you find men not paying much attention to you lately, it might not be you, it might be money worries.
With what is going on in the economy men tend to go inward when they are concerned about their finances or their jobs. They aren’t thinking about dating other than maybe to get laid, ... Views: 1340
I often get requests for advice from women who tell me how wonderful their man is. Then they go into all the things that make them unhappy. If this sounds like you, I would invited you to do an exercise that can be very revealing. On a piece of paper draw a line down the middle from top to ... Views: 1422
Women are the leaders in the relationship. Men know it better than women do. A woman can change the tone and energy more easily then they realize… and it’s fun to watch a man respond.
The quickest way to shift the energy in the moment–and as the primary way you interact with each other–is to ... Views: 1627
We all go through difficulties now and then. The tricky part is not getting stuck thinking it will not improve.
Here are some steps you can take to help yourself not only get past the hard times, but actually learn and improve because of them.
1.Get a journal just for this event. Write ... Views: 1954
How attractive you are on the outside is what gets his attention. But how attractive you are on the inside is what keeps him coming back for more. When you’re positive, kind, appreciative and gracious, your energy glows and that’s what he will begin to crave.
At the core of the energy you ... Views: 1738
Will Smith was interviewed a while back and he talked about his reason for his successful marriage. He said there is no way that there won’t be really hard times in any marriage. If divorce is an option, then eventually, something will be difficult enough to bring down a marriage. For Will and ... Views: 1495
I was just watching an older woman (at least 75) and her husband. She was enthusiastically pointing at something, wanting to share with her husband. When he ignored her, she turned to follow him, her head down, obviously feeling bad for not being acknowledged. Watching her brought tears to my ... Views: 1783
A woman wrote recently to ask my advice about what to say to her guy about his not telling her what he was going to be doing. Her concern was not wanting to wait for him. I’m afraid I gave her more than she bargained for.
My advice: If you don’t have a date set, with a time, say nothing. He ... Views: 1374
The Feminine Grace is the foundation of everything I teach. It is what causes a woman to be truly happy. It’s actually the key to enjoying more fully every aspect of your life.
We think we’re our own person, able to choose how we live our lives. But a lot of how and why we make the choices we ... Views: 2220
A woman wrote to me explaining that she’d been on a few dates and thought it was going great. Fun conversations, good time, kissing and a bit of petting, but no sex yet. She definitely felt strong chemistry. Then, wham, he wrote and said he wasn’t that attracted to her.
My advice:
I know it ... Views: 1364
got an email from a young woman who is twenty-one. She was dumped by a guy she she thought was “The One.” She asked how you can know if a guy is “The One.”
Here’s what I told her: I think they all need to feel like “The One” so we can give our hearts over completely. That’s when we can feel ... Views: 1406
I got this email, out of the blue, from a woman I don’t know and had to share it, along with my advice:
I need advice about this guy I’m “seeing”. We’ve dated off and on for two years and were giving it another go. I really feel like it could be wonderful, if he’d stop being so selfish. He has ... Views: 1514
I was at a conference of academics and I was talking to a woman about what I do. She told me about a very smart woman who teaches finance, very accomplished, many awards and lots of respect from her peers. But, she said, this very smart women just turns stupid when it comes to men.
Why do we do ... Views: 4057
Do you ever worry that he’ll hurt you like your last boyfriend or husband? Or that he’ll leave? Or you’re jealous for no reason?
When you feel like you have no control over your fearful or negative thoughts, it’s easy for them to start controlling you. And when that happens, you’ll usually ... Views: 2485
Have you ever had a man tell you he likes you, enjoys dating you, but isn’t ready for a relationship right now? I get letters from women all the time who are upset when the man they’re dating delivers this message. Usually, the woman paints him as a villain, when he’s actually just being ... Views: 2196
I put this commonly mentioned phrase in my book Men Made Easy because it’s so true: Men marry a woman hoping she’ll never change, but she always does; and women marry men hoping they will change, but they never do.
Women make themselves crazy trying to get a man to change, to behave, or to ‘do ... Views: 1449
You may not realize it, but more than anything, that special man in your life wants to feel like you appreciate, respect, and accept him for who he is as a man. With that he’ll feel understood and understanding is–at least for him–the ultimate gift you can give him.
Here’s an idea for a gift ... Views: 1693
Too many women write to me explaining that their ex keeps in frequent contact, want’s to hang out, and even, occasionally, makes a booty call. This is very unhealthy behavior, on both sides. Him for doing it, and the woman for allowing it.
If this has happened (or it’s currently going on), he’s ... Views: 3891
“The spiritual path is a process of clearing away everything that is not you, clearing away the blocks to love.”
Sharon Gardner, Unfolding Journey
There are times in each of our lives when we throw up our hands and ask why me? Many get bogged down in frustration, anger, and blaming of ... Views: 1436
A women wrote to me with the following: I am in relation for last 4 years. He loves me, cares about me, and says he wants to spend his whole life with me. But he is not ready to get engaged and that kills me. I have tried alot to change his mind but I’ve failed. He says he still needs time. If ... Views: 1579
“Often a man gives up his dreams: dreams of being a bachelor and dreams of the work he desires. Not only is he giving that up, but, if marriage and family have been your priority, you’re getting your dreams fulfilled.” Men Made Easy
We laugh and joke all the time about how men don’t want to ... Views: 9917
A man is attracted right away, or he's not. They are way more visual that we want to admit. Women often tell me they think a man will 'become' attracted after he gets to know them. It doesn't work that way. That's how women often fall in love. We might be attracted initially, but then he does ... Views: 1975
It breaks my heart how many women struggle in the early stages of dating a new man. By early stage, I mean you don't know where you stand or how he feels. In my years of coaching women more often than not, they start moving things along toward a relationship before they know how he feels about ... Views: 2627
It's not uncommon, when a woman who is wanting to get her ex back, for her to purchase my Men Made Easy program, hoping it will help her. Because any woman who embraces what I teach will find herself changing in many positive ways, there is a chance that she could get him back. That's because ... Views: 1867
I got questions from two women this week, which, on the surface, might appear to require different answers. But the answers are actually the same. One was about how she was upset because her guy didn't remember the anniversary of their first date and the other asked how she could get her guy to ... Views: 4341
Being happy is the best way to be attractive to men. But what if you're not feeling happy? What if you're actually feeling depressed? If you're dating and looking for a great guy, he is either going to be repelled by your negative energy, or you will simply be invisible to him. If you're ... Views: 1932
If you want to be in a happy, long-term relationship, it's important to know what you need to do so you don't blow it from the start. You see, the greatest joy for any woman who want's a man to make her feel cherished, is how good it feels when he pursues you. Way too often, as today's ... Views: 19381
A new male friend on facebook wrote and asked what makes men easy.
Here's what I told him:
I studied men for a couple of years and I came up with 12 Secrets About Men. The first and the last are what makes a man in easy to be in a relationship with. The secrets in the middle are ... Views: 1881
A woman wrote to me asking me how she could get a man to fall in love with her. This is a man she barely knows. This kind of thinking really scares me. It's fine to meet a man and be attracted and intrigued, but to move from "Nice to meet you," immediately to "Choose me, love me, marry me," is ... Views: 1548
Men tell me all the time that they want to make their wife or girlfriend happy, but they need them to tell them how. I can also tell they’re heartsick and quite frustrated that you not only don’t tell them how, you make them guess. And heaven help them if they guess wrong.
I have actually ... Views: 8890
Your relationship cannot be as close as you’d like it to be if you’re not willing to shift your attitude about your differences, i.e. what causes the friction between you. In the beginning, you probably thought his differences were cute, adorable, enchanting even. As you became more familiar, ... Views: 2029
Belittling our partner––or a child, for that matter––either directly or by innuendo, is a direct hit to the heart. Eventually, love is replaced by resentment, loathing or even hate.
In the moment, we don’t realize the damage we’re causing when we belittle those we “say” we love. We’re blinded ... Views: 1836
This is a big subject but I have a few ideas I’d like to share from my workshops and from my studies of cultural anthropology.
I believe men’s nature is to have multiple partners. Polygyny (the practice of having more than one wife at a time) is preferred by 85% of the cultures today. Think ... Views: 2540