This is the final installment in the Bad Boss Series. I think it’s important to answer once and for all: How did the bad boss get the job? You and your peers are constantly scratching your heads wondering if the boss has compromising pictures of the CEO. How else could this insane person get ... Views: 1604
You know this kind of boss. What they say and how they say it leaves you completely befuddled about what they are trying to convey. To add to this, they might be yelling while delivering this completely incomprehensible tirade. Are we having fun yet?
Just because they’re the boss, doesn’t ... Views: 1602
Among the many things that bad bosses have been known to do is to take credit for your hard work or ideas. You don’t like it when a peer does it, but with that group, you feel you might have some recourse to stifle what they’re doing. What do you do when a boss does it?
The line between a ... Views: 2973
This bad boss is sometimes known as the “helicopter boss”. They seem to have nothing better to do than to lurk over your shoulder while you’re trying to get your work done. To add insult to this, they may nit-pick and even rework what you’ve done. It leaves you wondering why they hired you in ... Views: 2053
I generally believe most people mean well, but simply execute their job poorly sometimes. Sometimes, there are BAD bosses. This series is intended to address the most common issues with a bad boss and steps you can take to reduce the impact on you both personally and professionally.
The ... Views: 2430
One of our biggest fears associated with our employment is facing the possibility of the ultimate rejection: getting fired. I’m not talking about being laid off. I’m talking about they don’t dig what you do or how you do it and you are given the pink slip. It can be devastating on both a ... Views: 3188
The one thing you can count on in business is nothing ever stays the same. That goes for the boss, too. Bosses come and they go even when your job remains in place. In some businesses, they come and go so fast they feel like a hit and run. While it would be nice to have some stability, it’s ... Views: 2763
I’ve noticed that many people struggle to identify where the line should be between their work priorities and their life priorities some call it work-life balance. This struggle gets especially significant when a person is going through major career upheavals like switching jobs or changing ... Views: 2114
Disagreeing with other people, without taking a body count or courting disaster, is something most people try to avoid as much as possible. Nevertheless, we recognize that we can’t always agree with everything that comes our way – even if it comes from the boss. Many of us think that ... Views: 2824
I recently posted a question in various Linked In groups and posed the question “What are your Career goals for 2011?” Among the many things I heard about, a common theme among the job seekers was, of course, to get a job. It didn’t stop there. We’re not just looking for a job; we’re looking ... Views: 2088
Warning! I’m about to speak in code. We like to think of ourselves as: “not interested in making big money” or “not overly ambitious” or “focused more on life than work” or what? Being lazy is something we don’t like to admit to ourselves much less our own mother (who will love us no matter ... Views: 2065
More and more business owners and job seekers are catching on to the idea and necessity of having a great, impactful Elevator Speech. After all of the thought and time creating them and practicing them, many people want to get more use out of them than simply waiting to meet someone new. ... Views: 2123
Elevator Speeches are becoming an important item in the toolkit of most people. It doesn’t matter if you are a job seeker, business person or gainfully employed professional, you need a powerful Elevator Speech (ES) to extend and support your personal brand. What you say and how you say it are ... Views: 2098
Voluntarily changing careers can be a frightful thing for many people. It can be so frightening that it will delay or completely stop us in our tracks before we even get started. Yet, our heart yearns for something else, something more than what we have right now. Our heart knows that there is ... Views: 2981
There is a reason for the term “short-timer”. Whether you are in the military and ready to separate or in the corporate world and ready to leave your job, it can be a struggle to keep both your body and mind on the job. We are notorious for apathy, disregard and detachment once the decision to ... Views: 2172
Ranstad recently completed a nation-wide survey of employees measuring a number of aspects having to do with salary, benefit, work conditions and expectations they have for this coming year. Ranstad is the second leading global HR and Staffing firm. One outstanding figure was 43% of the people ... Views: 2522
If you’re reading this, you probably don’t need to worry too much about bad decision making or judgment. Most of the time, people who amble through life are barely making it, and give as much “thought time” to their behavior as a cow does. Nevertheless, it’s good to occasionally think about ... Views: 1880
The day has finally arrived. The boss has girded their loins and is now prepared to tell you – you’ve missed the mark. Your performance is bad. This is the day we all dread. We have friends who lived through this and told you hair-raising stories about deep-seated hatred and paranoia. The ... Views: 1780
Among the challenges associated with networking is the simple act of how you start up a conversation with a stranger. Add to that challenge the fact that you might be slightly introverted where pointless conversations are like staring into the black void. Nothing comes to mind. You don’t have ... Views: 3132
Ahem, I would like to point out Oprah’s use of the term “Next Chapter”. Notice the similarities between that and Next Chapter: New Life (my coaching business name)? I’ve been seeing that term not only in reference to Oprah’s new TV channel but I’ve seen it on the side of busses around town and ... Views: 2020
After all the hard work and effort, you finely landed the job. The anxiety about what’s going to happen next is gone and you’re relieved that you can stop updating your resume. Now that you have a job and you’re about to start next Monday, you’re starting to feel the sheer terror of what you ... Views: 1734
You’re doing the job. You’re delivering what you were supposed to. Despite all of that goodness, you don’t feel like you belong. Maybe it’s not one thing in particular or maybe it is a couple of glaring things, none of which seem monumental. You just continue to know that you don’t fit and ... Views: 1939
Recently, there was an article in the Portland Tribune that discussed volunteer rates, particularly as they relate to the unemployed. It was a great article with several lessons built right in.
The primary comments were that the unemployed, who probably have the time, were the least likely ... Views: 2158
Recently, Tory Johnson, the Good Morning America career contributor, talked about how job seekers are using plastic surgery to help them get jobs. Obviously, Tory didn’t support the concept and neither do I. While I’ve conceded the point that there is age bias out there in the work place, ... Views: 2345
Oh, I guess you did grow up. But is this the grown up you wanted to be when you were a kid? Are you happy with how your career turned out? Most of us aren’t. In fact, huge numbers of us aren’t happy at all with our careers. Despite our unhappiness with our work situation, the biggest reason ... Views: 2213
With November and the upcoming holidays in the air, the turf changes for hiring that can be either problematic for job seekers, or an opportunity. As a job seeker you will do much better during this season if you are prepared ahead of time for how the business environment is likely to ... Views: 1678
There was once a time when I thought “Office Politics” was tantamount to a dirty word. It was something low, underhanded and potentially unethical. If this sounds familiar, I’m here to illustrate for you that office politics isn’t this offensive behavior I once thought it was. Hopefully, I ... Views: 3564
What would a discussion about job seeking be without talking about the resume? The resume is the most tangible aspect to job hunting and seems to be the place everyone runs to first.
Creating an effective, powerful resume is within everyone’s grasp.
I’m going to focus this article not so ... Views: 1621
When you launch your job search, the ocean of possibilities for where to get started can look overwhelming. With so many job-posting sites, companies posting jobs on their own sites, Craigslist, aggregators, job fairs and press releases, there is little wonder why you can go from overwhelmed to ... Views: 1908
As a career coach and former High Tech manager, I’ve noticed that most people wind up in careers that are completely out of line with their college degrees or interests. When you ask people how they “chose” their careers, many of them answer with something very much like a track through the ... Views: 2037
A concept I don’t think gets talked about too much as it relates to a person’s career growth is integrity. Integrity sometimes sounds stiff and too conceptual but there are aspects to it that are so critical to your success that it bears pointing out – repeatedly.
In the world of work (and ... Views: 2772
Many people, particularly as they accumulate years of work experience, find they have a growing desire to put passion into their life and career. My observation about why this takes place is that as we grow in life experiences a lot of the excitement or “newness” diminishes. We simply have ... Views: 2224
You know our type. We’re the kind of people who for whatever reason don’t really know how to start up a conversation. We’d rather hide under the table than start chatting with an unknown person or stay at home watching reruns than go to a party. We’re your awkward cousin or the kid that sat ... Views: 2672
Once you hear the term "midlife crisis" it conjures up an image of a pot bellied, middle aged man with a new red sports car and a young blonde babe next to him, with whom he's having an affair. There are other back stories to that image like the fact that he's bored with life and has spent the ... Views: 2221
I hear countless comments from people saying they want to change careers, BUT, but, but, but. They make up some reason for not changing. Among these reasons are: I’m too old – I’ll have to take a pay cut – I don’t want to make the effort – I don’t know what I’d do. Essentially, I think it ... Views: 1647
Sometimes terminology gets tossed around and we all nod our heads like we understand what’s being said, when we don’t. I thought I would take a few steps back and take a simplistic look at what personal change is, to ensure we’re all nodding our heads in understanding.
When I speak about ... Views: 4715
What do the following people have in common?
• Retired engineer
• Laid off project manager
• Stay at home parent
• Newly graduated student
• Trailing spouse to a military soldier
• Injured and recovered worker
• Out of work actor
These people have much more in common than you probably ... Views: 1819
You made a decision to change careers but you’re feeling REALLY uneasy. You can’t tell if you’re coming down with the flu or if that sinking feeling is your decision. Big decisions are always kind of gut wrenching but there are some things you can do to test your situation.
1- Did you make ... Views: 1982
I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard people talk about “updating their resume” when thinking about making a career change. If you are one of those people out there putting the polish on your resume’ as you are about to launch a job search for a new career- STOP. Your resume’ is not the ... Views: 2257
The buzz right now is that everyone is holding on to their current jobs with a death grip due to the grim economy. The overarching belief is that there are no jobs out there and for the ones that do exist, there are too many people applying. Let’s say some of that is true. What is also true ... Views: 2686
Too many people are simply bored with their life. The boredom can create a downward spiral. The spiral can include depression, listlessness, hopelessness and many other negative feelings. Perhaps the biggest issue for a person in this situation is a sense that they don’t know what to do and ... Views: 3423
How would you know what the lesson is? You don’t live to tell it!? As a person focused on personal change and transition, it does strike me that this is the ultimate transition. The lesson is in the observation of the process. It’s either the pre or post death experience of those left behind ... Views: 2647
If you are past 40, a phenomenon will take place (if it hasn’t already) where you will wake up one day and wonder “What’s next?” This time of questioning has become fondly called a mid life crisis. I don’t think this mid life question needs to be a crisis, but as a society that loves to ignore ... Views: 1531