Each day, many of us unintentionally place limitations on ourselves by way of our conditioned mind. What we perceive as a purely natural reaction may actually be creating limitations for us and take away our inherent ability to empower ourselves.
What is driving your life?
We are all on a ... Views: 4269
The following question has been asked by countless individuals: Is man innately good or evil?
My life experience has shown me that man is innately love—good, but easily overcome with fear—evil. This fear is an “evil” of our minds, an ill that causes all of our self-destructive behaviors that ... Views: 1218
When you awoke this morning, what thoughts came to mind? How did you feel about the day that lie before you—the yet-to-come? From the instant that you began experiencing today, you were also formulating the yet-to-come. Perhaps unknowingly, perhaps consciously, or perhaps somewhere in between, ... Views: 1112
People Pleaser Syndrome By June Blunk
People Pleaser Syndrome affects many people. Perhaps, you or someone you love is plagued with this affliction. I am a recovering people pleaser. Just maybe, I will always be attracted to pleasing, but I catch myself when unhealthy urges arise and change ... Views: 7438