When you or your significant other are forced to move away for whatever reason, the necessity of saving a long distance relationship is the last thing on your mind. However, the chances are that neither of you has any real idea how to make your long distance relationship work.
Initially ... Views: 3175
OK so you’re in love and, even though your lover might be hundreds (or thousands) of miles away, you’re determined that somehow it will all work out. But unfortunately, when it comes to the crunch, most people have absolutely no idea how to keep a long distance relationship alive.
Saying is ... Views: 1315
Making any relationship work is a challenge but making a long distance relationship work can be especially difficult.
Once the domain of traveling salesmen and military personnel, the advent of the internet has made the world a much smaller place, and relationships have now become global ... Views: 706
When one partner is forced to move away with their job, neither partner has any real idea how to make a long distance relationship work.
Perhaps they begin by declaring undying love and promising to speak every day on the phone, telling each other that distance is no object. But if you’ve ... Views: 685
Making any relationship work is a challenge but >making a long distance relationship work can be especially difficult.
Once the domain of traveling salesmen and military personnel, the advent of the internet has made the world a much smaller place, and relationships have now become global ... Views: 1910
One of the most difficult things about keeping a long distance relationship alive is the imagination involved in keeping the romance kindled, and unfortunately for many people, their imagination only extends to text messages and e-mails. Of course both of these are absolutely vital methods in ... Views: 840
The Internet has definitely made long distance relationships a lot more common, and, for the most part, made them easier to cope with. But just surviving a long distance relationship is not really the goal. Like any relationship, you want it to progress and flourish and, just the same as any ... Views: 758