Being self-employed and running your own business can be hugely rewarding. If you’re not careful though, it can take over your life. If you’re spending your time obsessing about the next opportunity to deliver your elevator pitch or pass out your business card, you could be ready for a ... Views: 1178
Have you ever noticed the uplifting feeling that fills your body when you put on your favourite suit or dress? Your appearance and how you dress has a major impact on your mood and how you feel throughout the day.
For a start, your outfit says a lot about how you see yourself. When you dress ... Views: 3190
There are a multitude of celebrities who practice and promote Yoga. Some to achieve a higher level of inner peace and some to raise their fitness levels, this is a very brief look at some of them.
1 Madonna
Madonna is, unbelievably, over 50. Part of her exercise routine is Ashtanga Yoga. A ... Views: 2433
The work environment can greatly affect the happiness of its employees – to such an extent that you can now hire an office environment consultant to see how the workplace can be improved to increase happiness. The workplace is, after all, where we spend most of our lives. Coming into a small ... Views: 3992
Custom canvas prints have added a new dimension to decorating with the ability to create works of art that are personal to the owner, recreating special events and memories of loved ones. Canvas prints are more than mere wall decorations however; they also have an important psychological role to ... Views: 972
I'm a firm believer that if you treat your employees well - that is; trust them, offer them what they want, and treat them with respect, you will receive exactly that back from them. People radiate back exactly what they are given to them, so if you want a workforce who are going to cooperate ... Views: 3117