As we start the New Year we always make resolutions or goals we would like to achieve during the year. This past year we have all learned that sleep affects all aspects of your health and so you may want to add a better night sleep as one of your goals for the year. The problem is how to ... Views: 1421
I have been working with patients for well over 15 years and during this time therapy has changed greatly. The problem is that the issues I hear are the same ones I heard when I first worked with patients setting up PAPs in homes in the 1990s. The facts are that the therapy has changed and the ... Views: 1438
We all live in a stressful world. We have work, family, unexpected issues and the last thing we think about is how it will affect us as we are lying in bed staring at the ceiling. We do not think about what we can do to help solve the problem or prevent it. Let’s take a few minutes to find a ... Views: 1597
Fitness is an important part of change in a person’s health. In order to minimize injury and to obtain the optimal benefit to your hard work proper sleep is absolutely necessary. When you exert your body it is important for your recovery to make sure you are getting enough sleep.
During the ... Views: 1594
If you have sleep apnea and are using a CPAP machine than you know that there can be issues that make this therapy difficult to use. Sometimes you can find support to resolve these issues and sometimes there are solutions that your doctor, sleep tech or respiratory therapist may not be aware ... Views: 1335
We all want to change. Whether it is changing your sleep habits, getting used to your CPAP or losing weight or adding a healthy sleep routine to your life. The problem many face is that if you are trying to change those who are closest to you may not be as supportive as you hope or need. ... Views: 1204
There are so many myths about sleep and so many people who believe that the rules apply to everyone but them. The truth of the matter is that our bodies need so much sleep and they are designed to work with our environment. This includes the fact that it is light out during the day and dark at ... Views: 1278
I believe that all great leaders are constantly learning and growing. I also believe that there are two great ways to do this. Read and Listen. I read every night as part of my night time ritual. I also attempt to listen to books on tape whenever I can. This is what shapes me as a leader and as ... Views: 1351
Shaquille O’Neal recently let the world know he has sleep apnea. He shared his experience of testing and treating it with the world on You Tube. A month later he is announcing his retirement from professional sports. Is it possible that the long term effects of sleep apnea have caused him to ... Views: 1325
Your First Week on CPAP
Everyone has questions and issues as they learn about their new bedtime friend, their CPAP machine. This first week will really set the tone for your success with your machine. During this time it is essential for you’re to ask questions and get the help you may need ... Views: 2089
Spring is a time for rain, plants, and the happiness of longer days. It is also the time of year where we spring the clock ahead one hour; thereby changing the time we get up and go to bed. Although the clock on the nightstand may say it is an hour later, our bodies do not change quite so ... Views: 1109
CPAP therapy is considered the gold standard for treating sleep apnea. It is a machine that uses a mask of some type to deliver a specific pressure of air to help keep the airway open. The problem with CPAP therapy is that it does take getting used to in order to be successful in using it ... Views: 1503
It is a new year and with it people are making all resolutions to improve their health and daily life. This may be the one aspect of a healthy lifestyle that is overlooked. There is new research every day that shows how sleep affects your health. It is also known that sleep deprivation can ... Views: 948
If you are just starting out as a new CPAP user you will find that a little support goes a long way. Family support is important but it is support from other users that will truly allow you to find what will work for you. The problem is that most physician’s offices and DME companies do not ... Views: 1231
You wake up with the nagging pain, difficulty concentrating and wishing you could just go back to bed and pull the covers over your head. If this happens on a regular basis there may be more going on then a hatred of mornings. Sleep disorders and sleep deprivation can have a serous effect on ... Views: 1842
If you wear a CPAP you might notice that this time of year you have more side effects. The cold dry weather and the increased time indoors can cause many side effects such a drying of the mouth and nose, congestion, sinus infections, and illness. It is important that if you are using your CPAP ... Views: 1266
Sleep problems during hot weather are very common and the fatigue that accompanies it makes sleep more important then ever. However, if you can not make yourself comfortable then you will not get the rest you need to have the energy you want during the day. So here are a few tips that might ... Views: 2341
You have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea or OSA and then they hit you with a bunch of words you have never heard before. They start talking about machines and mask and humidity. You are told this is long term therapy. What they do not explain is what the machine does, what types ... Views: 2179
An article was released about teens and the effects of caffeine and technology is having an effect of teens and their sleep. I know I live this issue daily. I have a teen son and a daughter who is just in her 20s. The problem is that we have not created a culture that supports teens and their ... Views: 1267
Your wife or husband tell you they need to go to bed before you or they will never sleep. You know if you are going on a trip you can not share a room with anyone else because they will complain. Do you know when a snore is something you need help for or just annoying?
The fact is that no ... Views: 1191
Sleep may not seem productive because we believe we are not doing something we define as productive. Unfortunately, this belief causes many people to put sleep at the bottom of their priority list. Te long term effects of sleep deprivation will keep you from having a quality of life you have ... Views: 1213
As the year ends we know that some very notable people have had health issues the last couple of weeks. Britney Murphy died after a short unidentified illness, Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital after experiencing chest pain and Urban Meyer has taken an indefinite leave from coaching ... Views: 886
Many people are looking toward ways of treating health issues without taking medication. One of more interesting alternatives to people with depression or rhythm disorders is light therapy. This therapy is not for everyone, but it gives an option to people with seasonal affective disorder, ... Views: 1010
Urban Meyer has taken a leave from coaching the Florida Gators due to chest pains he had experienced earlier this month. He was wise and went to the hospital, where test were performed and it was determined that no permanent muscle damage was done. This is an example of why it is important ... Views: 1077
It is the time of year where new insurance policies will be taking effect. Many companies have made changes to these policies and it is important that you as the user of that insurance policy understand what it covers.
The fact is that even if you call the customer line anything you are ... Views: 1360
We all make resolutions for the New Year. And some of them are large and ambitious and some are small and practical. These are five easy changes that will help you to improve your sleep and wake up with more energy every day.
1. Turn off the television: Too many people are watching ... Views: 1220
As a society we currently are questioning everything we know about healthcare. We wonder if we know who we can trust, where to get the best care for the best price, and what is the best health insurance out there. There is change coming but the truth is that a majority of people have the tools ... Views: 964
We have many excuses for why we can’t remember where we put the car keys or why we can’t remember what we had planned for later today? There can be certain lifestyle decisions that can be contributing to this problem. How you sleep can be contributing to that problem.
The problem is that ... Views: 1047
Many people go to the doctor because they have something they want fixed. They expect that a pill will do the trick. What they do not think about is what caused the problem in the first place. It is this search for the reason for problems that send many to the sleep lab for a study.
The ... Views: 1103
With the beginning of summer here and the end of the school year the need to consider our children’s habits while they are at home. Many children are home alone or home with older siblings and are limited in their activities. This can lead to issues that will increase health problems.
The ... Views: 1221
If ones life is measured by ones passion then Dr. William Dement is one of the most successful people alive. His passion for increasing knowledge goes hand in hand with his desire to educate everyone about the need for adequate sleep.
Dr Dement has been teaching and researching for 57 years ... Views: 2116
Fibromyalgia patients have to learn to deal with chronic pain. The problem is that pain and insomnia cause a vicious cycle of increased pain and decreased sleep. Insomnia has been shown in many studies to decrease a patient’s pain threshold.
Treating insomnia can be quite difficult. Medications ... Views: 1273
A good night sleep is influenced by many things. If you are suffering from insomnia the first thing you should do is rule out where you sleep as the cause of the problem. The easiest thing to do is to look at your room and see if a change here could change your sleep problems.
1. Is your ... Views: 1304
It is the start of vacation season. With that many people have plans to travel. Or is it just that you travel around the country or the world for your job. Either way you can be affected by the sleep disorder that does not discriminate. It can affect anyone whether they have normal sleep or ... Views: 1406
You gathered new information. You have questions about a many different issues. Now you want answers. Where do you find the answers to your questions? What resources do you have to get the answers about your health in particular?
Your doctor is you’re first thought, but you have only one ... Views: 977
With all the new ways of communicating you knew that it would eventually leak to the medical field. In sleep it has changed to allow us to perform studies and follow up with patients in a whole new way.
Home sleep studies has come up with a whole new arsenal of new equipment to test for sleep. ... Views: 1481
You see it on television. You hear them on radio stations, you read them all over. The medical commercials talk about research. Diet products talk about research. So then the question is what research can you trust?
The fact is anyone can do a research project. I know that for my current ... Views: 960
You gathered new information. You have questions about a many different issues. Now you want answers. Where do you find the answers to your questions? What resources do you have to get the answers about your health in particular?
Your doctor is you’re first thought, but you have only one ... Views: 1141
You gathered new information. You have questions about a many different issues. Now you want answers. Where do you find the answers to your questions? What resources do you have to get the answers about your health in particular?
Your doctor is your first thought, but you have only one ... Views: 1184
There are many changes going through the healthcare industry. Regulations are getting tighter. Insurances have bigger deductibles and have more exclusionary clauses then a legal genius can figure out. There are in network and out of network providers. There are different deductibles. There ... Views: 1099
Home sleep testing has been very controversial over the last year. The idea of home sleep is can be threatening to a lab. This is not the case. I believe that this type of testing is perfect for those patients who refuse to come in to a sleep lab, a person who has no insurance or a large ... Views: 1075
You have seen the commercials with the moth. Take a pill and you will sleep. Or the one for the over the counter medication, you don’t even have to talk to your doctor to take that. Many people do not want to take medication. For those looking for alternatives to medicine you might want to ... Views: 1426
This is an area that has not had enough research. The general consensus is that either ADD causes sleep disturbances like insomnia and fragmented sleep (sleep that is not continuous.) Or that sleep deprivation can bring on the symptoms of ADD/ADHD. So how do you know what to look for? How do you ... Views: 2071
Its 2 am and you are still awake or you have worken up for the third time or even worse you have woken up because it feels like someone cranked the furnace all the way up. Your sleep will change as you are going through menopause, that is a fact. But you need to be aware of what is normal and ... Views: 1069
Its 2 am and you are still awake or you have worken up for the third time or even worse you have woken up because it feels like someone cranked the furnace all the way up. Your sleep will change as you are going through menopause, that is a fact. But you need to be aware of what is normal and ... Views: 1195
In our overactive culture has us running and going and doing everyday. Then at the end of the day when we just can not do anymore we go to bed. We sort of tumble into our room and lie down and expect sleep to take us over. Or we do fall asleep right away but we then we wake up two hours later ... Views: 1104