Over the next couple of months I will be "Sharing Secrets" to help you understand why women have an edge when it comes to successfully manifesting. I will share with you what I have observed and know after working with women, their struggles and successes for over 30 years. Here I will uncover ... Views: 5961
"I don't fit in, especially with my family." "I feel like an outsider.”
“I felt ok until I got to high school but then I lost my self-confidence. I didn’t belong to the popular crowd, and I did not belong to the ‘geek' clique.” “I began to feel like a loser. I knew I wasn’t a loser, that I ... Views: 9146
Even if you have tried many strategies and failed, know that your time and efforts have not been wasted.
All of your story has brought you to this perfect place and time, for a new beginning.
If you break these rules and follow the easy but definite ... Views: 6990
“Give sorrow words: The grief that does not speak whispers the oe’r fraught heart, and bids it break.”(Shakespeare, The Tragedie of Macbeth, 1892)
Divorce is a major loss that does not get fully respected in our society. Some people find it harder to resolve divorce than death. With death ... Views: 6415
“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.” Soren Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard & Dru, 2003)
Having spent my early years in Newfoundland, Canada, I remember well the ferocity of the Atlantic Ocean, beating against the rocky cliffs of the shoreline. And there were the ... Views: 7258
(This is the third part in a series of how to successfully accelerate manifestation to achieve your desired results. To read the second part in this series see Accelerate Manifestation, Use the Power of Visualization)
I have addressed previously the power of writing down what we really want. ... Views: 7763
(This is the second part in a series of how to successfully accelerate manifestation to achieve your desired results. To read the first part in this series see Accelerate Manifestation, Start by Writing it Down.)
Once you are clear about your desires and goals, and have written them down, an ... Views: 6817
Are you drifting through life with a vague sense of uneasiness, a longing for an adventure or more personal fulfillment? Are you envious of people who appear to have exciting lives?
When we drift there is a tendency to feel helpless, or a victim of circumstances. A position of ... Views: 11107
Life if full of transitions and as this one goes; summer into autumn may not be a highly dramatic Neiman Marcus moment. It may be a more practical down to earth restocking of our shelves and inner selves. What is important here is the attitude you bring to the restocking. If you do it ... Views: 8901
I once heard George Carlin the comedian address the topic of vacations, and how people handle their “stuff.” People usually take a smaller version of their stuff on vacation and sequentially smaller versions to their hotel room, or to the beach etc. He was hysterical; resonating with the need ... Views: 7867
“There is more to life than increasing its speed” (Gandhi & Desai, 1957)
Life can be likened to a deep forest and on occasion we get lost in creating our path through it. If we are determined to find our way, it is necessary to face the fears and doubts that are always lurking, keeping us ... Views: 7538
There are a multitude of reasons why people struggle with weight control, many of which are unconscious. This article explains that it is not just about the food! Without recognizing and understanding your opponent, your struggle will continue to bring more of the same results. I will assist ... Views: 9368
“Creative energy that is not being rightly used...” (Osho, 1999)
A Master lived in the mountains. He answered several of life’s hard questions for the inquirer without hesitation. When asked how to handle anger, he broke his walking stick in half and ... Views: 6479
"Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody"(Twain The following is an excerpt from my latest book - "Journey into a Passionate Life." There is a companion workbook for those who want the tools and guidance to delve deeper into that part of self that they try ... Views: 10183
Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Rainer Maria Rilke
In “The Road Less Travelled”, Scott Peck says the God of our youth is a second hand one. Just like family recipes, passed down and nobody questions the validity of the ... Views: 11247
Since change is the only constant in our lives, why is it so frightening to choose to change? Often it is thrust upon us and we didn’t see it coming. It may come in a way that cuts us off at the knees, such as having life, as we know it obliterated, like a tornado or hurricane. Somehow when ... Views: 10720
When we procrastinate, we put our dreams, our hopes and our yearnings on hold. We put things off under the illusion that we will get to them someday, when there is more of time. We deny fears and postpone action while covering ourselves up with layers of excuses, like an onion. We deny the ... Views: 10171
Many of us, at a deep level, are afraid of success. On surface, we declare that we are going for the gold, the Ph.D., own a business…be the best! That which actually manifests in our life may be something entirely different. What is certain is that our core beliefs will express in our life ... Views: 9280
When we list our desires, wants and life goals, we often omit “failure”. We must fail if we are to risk living passionate lives. We live in a culture that has become soft, in that it conditions us to seek comfort and avoid discomfort. There is a lack of appreciation for the wisdom that ... Views: 12209
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***Free At Last! - by Laura Young, the Official Guide to Manifestation
“Is the life I’m living the life that wants to live in me?”
Parker Palmer
A new acquaintance asked Zorba the Greek if he were married. Zorba roared passionately: “Of course I’m married, I have a wife, kids, bills, problems, the full catastrophe.” Our “full catastrophe” may look ... Views: 9545
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***A New Beginning - by Laura B. Young, the Official Guide to Manifestation
And now let us welcome the New Year full of things that have never been-Rainer Marie Rilke
Every New Year we make resolutions, telling ourselves this year will be different. Studies have shown that just forty percent of resolutions are successful after six months. Wanting change is not ... Views: 10682
(Having More of What you want in your Life)
The Law of Manifestation is neutral and always working. Your life at this time is a reflection of all your past thoughts, beliefs, feelings, behaviors and attitudes. Recognizing that your life is greatly influenced by past experiences is the key to ... Views: 12194
Many of our cultural beliefs about money are confusing and conflicted. In addition to cultural pressures, we have familial beliefs, that are unexamined, “hand me downs.” In the book “The Road Less Traveled”, Scott Peck alleges that parents give children a second hand God to worship, a God in ... Views: 9395
The last two months of the year usually finds us in a frantic state of shopping, decorating, cooking and traveling, so is it any wonder we are more stressed than cheerful. Having so many "to do" lists, we are wound up and too exhausted to enjoy that which normally makes us happy, as in ... Views: 8906