You probably have many questions when you see Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling.
• What is the difference from coaching or mentoring?
• Is it the right for me?
• How can this help me in my life?
• Is it expensive?
• Do I need to go somewhere or can I do this from home?
• What is ... Views: 2411
Today, in my workbook practice of A Course in Miracles, lesson 281 resonated to the core of my being with an astounding feeling of truth. Lesson 281 states “I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.” As the sentence finished the whirling sense of truth began to fill my mind. The course teaches ... Views: 1631
As the title implies, A Course in Miracles is a teaching device. It teaches us what is real and what is unreal, and leads us to the direct experience of our own Inner Teacher.
The Course is arranged in three parts: a text, a workbook for students and a manual for teachers. The Text presents ... Views: 2282
True Forgiveness and the Benefits
When you practice true forgiveness, you get in touch with your Higher Self and you are willing to see with its eyes through the false images of your ego. You accept that your Higher Self sees the person you are angry with, as their true essence, unconditional ... Views: 2064
The Role of Your Higher Self
Let’s look at the essence of your ego versus your Higher Self. Your ego lives in the world of fears. The main fear is lack, which translates as: not enough love, not pretty enough, not enough money, not good enough. These are negative and false thoughts that ... Views: 1567
I am not talking about average daily stress, I am taking about the insidious stress that we intentionally put upon ourselves each time we recall an event, experience, or person from our past. We hold onto grudges fiercely, then repeat and repeat the stories over and over in our minds. These are ... Views: 2079
You are what you think whether you are conscious of it or not. And the world that you see around you is a reflection of what you think on the inside. Since many of us were not taught this as children, we cannot make that inner/outer connection. So life just seems to happen to us without our ... Views: 1821
For a few weeks I had been feeling down, low, and just not myself. My self-esteem was being hit in a hard way.
From outside appearances no one would have known. Also, by outside appearances, people would have been surprised based on me having a good job, a good salary, a wonderful home and ... Views: 1493
Our daily mental activity keeps us on track, feeling in tune with our life, on top of our game and alive in our surroundings. With mental activity at a ‘normal’ pace, we can experience peace as we go through our day.
However, what happens when mental activity becomes overwhelming? What ... Views: 1702
All of us desire a more meaningful, peaceful, joyful and loving life. So why do we see the world filled with chaos, anxiety, and overall fear? We look around and perceive this person this to us and we perceive this event doing that to us, and we keep judging, judging, and judging until we think ... Views: 3234
Stress, stress and more stress, what else can I say after working long hours in the corporate environment day after day. Meditation has been my lifeline to keeping me balanced, grounded and stress free. Each day for 10-15 minutes I would quietly sit in peaceful meditation to gently begin my day. ... Views: 1274
With all the chaos surrounding us in the world, in our country, in our communities and at times in our homes, it seems almost impossible to find our way spiritually. Yet this can be our most opportune time to say stop to the chaos and say yes to inner peace.
Finding inner peace does not need to ... Views: 1536