One easy way of managing stress is to build up and nurture your social support network by doing things such as socializing more with people that you enjoy and joining clubs that interest you.
Recent research has shown that there are tangible stress relief and health benefits to being part ... Views: 1073
The Benefits of Journaling
The next stress management activity to be briefly discussed is the technique of journaling. The physical and emotional benefits of journaling, as a catharsis of stressful events, have been widely researched by James Pennebaker (1997), as well as others.
According ... Views: 1357
Beginning Meditation Techniques
Meditation is simply the practice of neutrally attempting to focus your attention on one object (physical or mental) or on a verbal word or phrase ("Peace" or "Om" for example) for a period of time. There are many styles of meditation to choose from, we will ... Views: 1306
"Safe Place" Guided Imagery Script
(Read this free guided meditation into a recorder first, then play it back for yourself. For personal use only, copyrighted material.)
To begin this guided meditation, sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Notice your body and ... Views: 2852
Guided imagery is one technique that can be used for stress management. It involves guiding yourself through a scene or scenes where each of the senses is evoked, using images that elicit relaxation.
The following is a brief exercise that you can do to show the power that the mind has over ... Views: 1518
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): One technique for managing stress
Progressive muscle relaxation is a systematic technique for managing stress. In the 1930's Dr. Edmund Jacobson discovered that tensing and releasing various muscle groups throughout the body produces a state of ... Views: 1269
You can learn to reduce the effects of stress and achieve relaxation by first learning the basic technique of diaphragmatic or "belly" breathing. This can be done sitting in a chair or lying down. Your breathing pattern is most noticeable when you are lying down. Place one hand on your upper ... Views: 2351
I wonder what you, dear readers out there, do to cure heartbreak?
Heartbreak can feel like devastation. Writing and journaling are good ways to turn something sad into a creative outlet and maybe through the process, I can help someone heal from this horrible thing called heartbreak. You know ... Views: 1918
Love is a gift. What is love? It can be many things. In other times and other languages, they had a variety of names for the different types of love feelings we have –
Filial love, which conveys brotherly, friendship love. Agape love transcends ego and embraces the world. And, of course the ... Views: 2144
I came upon an interesting and useful phenomenon. Put simply, you can use sexual charge or energy to clear out old emotional triggers that are stored in your aura. This process can be quick and easy to do if you’ve had some training in energy work, meditation or intuition. For people new to ... Views: 3165
For this Tantric Tidbit, please read, complete and reflect on the following:
A quick "Comfort in the Body Meditation"
Begin by sitting comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, relaxed but not slumped over, and your hands resting on your lap with your eyes closed. Bring ... Views: 1480
Part of bringing in the new includes leaving the old behind. Let go of outdated ways of being and thinking, old patterns in ourselves and the collective psyche.
We can have a hard time bringing in something new - a new behavior, a new boyfriend/girlfriend, job, whatever it is you want, until ... Views: 1411
Sometimes, we get too busy in life and we need to slow down. Our inner critic voice may say "You should work harder - don't relax."
But, I know all my beautiful readers are learning to chuck their inner critic out with the trash and pick up a more balanced inner voice. Well, actually, you ... Views: 1096
I am in Paris, the most romantic city in the world, sending you a big dose of "joie de vivre." Even the crows are making love here - I'm not joking, I saw two crows making love in the Jardin du Luxembourg yesterday and it drew a crowd!
The tulips are blooming everywhere and the ground is ... Views: 1326
When Emotional Intimacy and Sensuality Marry
Masculine Polarity Meets Feminine Polarity
Oftentimes, people have both emotional intimacy (a feeling of love), and sensuality (a feeling of sexy charge), at the beginning of a relationship but then, it fizzles out as time goes by. Why is that? ... Views: 1970