Potholes can wreak havoc in our lives because they destroy our well being and sabotage our personal growth.
Most, if not all drivers are familiar with potholes, and many of us have probably had some unpleasant experiences with them.
Those deep,rough ,holes in the streets or highways made ... Views: 1587
So many comments were made on this blog when it was first posted in September of 2009. The majority of you said that you were going to work on eliminating the ten words from your vocabulary. I became quite curious a few days ago when I sat down to write. As I scrolled down the list of the ... Views: 1670
Mind-set, a word that is well known by all who are going after and achieving their dreams and goals,is by far one of the most important keys to success.
Webster defines the term as a 'fixed mental attitude formed by experience, education, and the prejudices acquired over the years.'
The ... Views: 2197
Many of us have forgotten how important it is to be still, to spend a few moments daily to quiet the thoughts and relax our minds.
Taking the time to be quiet,to silence our minds and activities,helps us to renew our energy and creativity.It also increases our level of gratitude.
But we have ... Views: 1849
Words are powerful because they shape our thoughts, determine our actions, and chart the course of our lives. This is true whether the words are positive, giving hope and encouragement, or negative utterances that steal our joy and confidence.
Wherever we are in our lives, personal ... Views: 15918
So much is taken for granted because too often we forget just how fortunate we are to be alive, healthy, in varying degrees, and loved, no matter where our homes happen to be in the world.
The weak global economy, perhaps with the exception of China, Russia, and India, offers us an ... Views: 2680
Leonardo DaVinci,by any one's standard,was perhaps one of the most gifted and prolific men who ever lived.
A painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, musician, scientist,and natural philosopher,he is credited with saying
"ancora imparo,"which means:"I am still learning."
It is said that he made ... Views: 7084
Most of us have had at least one watershed experience in our lives,that event that resulted in a crucial turning point which continues to affect how we think and what we do. The watershed experience could have lasted only a moment or two, but in that short time,all things changed.
Whatever it ... Views: 1600